Plo Koon was one of the few Jedi to use Force lightning in Star Wars Legends, which could impact the dark side power rules in canon. Plo Koon was a skilled Jedi Master and respected General during the Clone Wars. While not featured much in the Star Wars prequels, Plo’s force and combat abilities were highlighted in Legends and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He came from the species Kel Door, who had many force sensitives and a faction of Force worshippers. Even for his species, Plo showed a very impressive connection to the Force that allowed him incredible patience as well as unique abilities, including Force lightning.


Force lightning is typically viewed as a Sith ability, as dark side emotions and intent is typically required to conjure it. Most famously used by the likes of Darth Sidious and Darth Tyranus, the power can be used to debilitate, torture, or even kill one’s opponent. In the novel Star Wars: The Secrets of the Jedi, Luke described force lightning as the ultimate manifestation of the Force in a physical sense.

In Star Wars Legends, Plo Koon used a variation of Force lightning called “electric judgment.” It was yellow in contrast to the Sith’s blue Force lightning, and used no dark side energies when done correctly. Plo first used electric judgment on accident, and the unexpected ability made him nervous because of the previous dark side implications. However, after meditation and consulting the Jedi Council, it was deemed safe for Jedi to use. If incorporated in canon, Plo Koon’s electric judgment could change the views on light side vs. dark side powers.

While Force lightning is assumed to be a dark side power, likely because of its association with Darth Sidious, the intent of the power heavily depends on who uses it. For example, Rey used Force lightning in Rise of Skywalker, and it seemed she was headed down a dark path. However, if Plo Koon’s electric judgment is canonized, this would be a demonstration of Rey’s connection to the Force instead of an inner evil. It could be the intent of the person using a Force power that categorizes the ability as light or dark, not the act itself.

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The impact of the lightning must also be considered if different variations of the ability are going to become Star Wars canon. Plo Koon’s electric judgment (also sometimes called Emerald Lightning) seems to knock the target unconscious rather quickly, as to not prolong suffering or damage. Sith Force lightning, on the other hand, is used to inflict the most amount of pain possible. When Sidious uses lightning, he keeps his victim conscious and toys with them. This would be an important separation to be made between Jedi and Sith lightning techniques.

In the past, Jedi haven’t used Force lightning as the Sith have. This could change with Plo Koon, and his Legends discovery of a new lightning-based Force ability. If certain Force powers lost their affiliation with the dark side, such as Force lightning and Force choke, it could allow for new variations of the abilities that the Jedi can use. It would be fascinating to see this brought into Star Wars canon, and for a new Force ability make its way into the Jedi arsenal.

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