Warning! Spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel #5 by DC Comics

Harley Quinn is turning to Poison Ivy for help in a world of sword and sorcery, as the Lady of the Forest gets a stunning redesign for the Dark Knights of Steel series. In Dark Knights of Steel #5, Harley Quinn heads to the forest where she encounters Poison Ivy and asks for her help as the House of El and Kingdom of Lightning get ready for war. Poison Iy agrees, but with one caveat: Harley needs to live with her in the forest.

In the current Dark Knights of Steel series from DC Comics, the DC Universe has been taken back in time to a fantasy world that’s the publisher’s version of Game of Thrones. After the death of Jor-El, Zala-El murdered King Jefferson’s son, escalating conflicts between the House of El and Kingdom of Lightning. As Bruce the Bat-Prince and Kal-El get ready for war, the latter has sent Harley Quinn into the forest to ask for assistance from the Lady of the Forest, revealed to be Poison Ivy.


In Dark Knights of Steel #5 by Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri, Arif Prianto, and Wes Abbott, Harley Quinn arrives in Hobb Forest, where she’s immediately tied up by the Lady of the Forest, Poison Ivy. Harley tells her the queen sent her, but Ivy refuses to recognize the House of El royal. Quinn reveals to Ivy that Jor-El was killed from an attack that took place in the forest and that general Amanda Waller wants to burn it down in response. She asks Ivy to help them as a last line of defense. The redesigned Ivy tells Quinn she doesn’t trust the Els but will help because of her.

Poison Ivy asks in return for helping the House of El, that Harley Quinn live with her in Hobb Forest. Harley politely declines as Ivy still agrees to assist her. Even in a fantasy world where Harley is a jester and Poison Ivy is the Lady of the Forest, the couple’s love still shines through. Poison Ivy’s new redesign looks excellent, as it feels even more classically earthy and flowery than usual. She’s certainly earned the name of Lady of the Forest.

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Like many characters in Dark Knights of Steel, Poison Ivy’s medieval role fits the character and the tone of the story perfectly. Transforming into the Lady of the Forest isn’t far removed from her usual self in the DC Universe, and her new redesign fits the title. Poison Ivy will be a crucial player in the upcoming battles as Dark Knights of Steel #5 by DC Comics is in stores now.

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