Warning: contains spoilers for Batman Secret Files: The Gardener #1

The relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy has become a defining aspect of both characters. Thanks to Poison Ivy, Harley has been able to escape her abusive relationship with the Joker and pursue a heroic path. In Batman Secret Files: The Gardener #1, on sale now in print and digital, readers learn that Ivy’s interest in Harley may stem from a similar relationship she was once in with one of DC’s most sinister villains.

Although Harley Quinn is now a fixture in the DC Comics Universe, she actually originated in the classic Batman: The Animated Series cartoon and it was there she first met Poison Ivy, in the episode “Harley and Ivy.” When Harley entered the mainstream DC Universe, her friendship with Ivy carried over. Poison Ivy understood the Joker manipulated Harley, taking advantage of her and manipulating her into a life of crime, but Ivy would help Harley rise above it, and find herself once again. The relationship between the two has moved beyond mere friendship, and the two have now become lovers. Ivy’s interest in Harley is genuine—she desires to see Harley move beyond the Joker. Yet in Batman Secret Files: The Gardener #1, one of Ivy’s layers is peeled back, leading to a revelation that might explain why she befriended Harley in the first place. The one-shot is written by James Tynion IV, with art by Christian Ward and letters by Tom Napolitano.


In recent months, a new plant-based character has appeared in Gotham City, calling herself the Gardener.  As readers travel through the Gardener’s past, they learn how she is connected to Ivy—they went to grad school together. Also in their cohort were Alec Holland (the future Swamp Thing) and his wife Linda, as well as their professor, Jason Woodrue, who would go on to become the evil Floronic Man. Woodrue was a charismatic professor who regaled his students with his wild theories on plants and evolution, and Poison Ivy was his most devout student. As the other grad students left, Poison Ivy remained behind, and the Gardener recounts how Woodrue took advantage of Ivy, using her not only for sex, but also as a guinea pig for his experiments—which ultimately gives Ivy her powers. However, Woodrue abandoned her and it would be years before they would meet again.

The Gardener’s story casts a new light on Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy’s relationship. Ivy initially took interest in Harley because Ivy saw so much of herself in Harley. Much like Harley, Ivy had once been manipulated and abused by a supervillain who preyed upon her insecurities and naivete. Ivy was able to escape from Woodrue’s influence, although it left her scarred for life. Ivy saw the goodness that was in Harley, and how the Joker had twisted it, and remembering her treatment by Woodrue, decided that Harley was not going down the same road. As Harley and Ivy grew closer, not only was Harley able to heal, but Poison Ivy was as well, allowing her to finally close the book on Jason Woodrue.

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn’s relationship is one of the greatest in the DC Universe and Batman Secret Files: The Gardner makes an interesting revelation about Poison Ivy, one that explains why she is so interested in Harley Quinn.

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