Grass-type Pokémon are instantly recognizable. They have a unique style to their designs that separates them from all the other types, giving them their own essence. Grass Pokémon come in different shades of green and have leaves, flowers, vines, and even stems incorporated in their designs. They are common in the Pokémon world and come in all shapes and sizes.

Even in such a cohesive collection, there are some Pokémon that could perfectly fit in another type. Whether it’s because of their inspiration or perhaps their color palettes, these Pokémon stand out like a dog in a greenhouse, making fans question why they’re Grass-types in the first place.

10 Shiinotic

Shiinotic looks like a Fairy-type Pokémon, in large part because of its overwhelming pink coloring. Its details, including a purple mushroom cap, tiny feet, and chubby body, enhance its cuteness but make it seem even more magical.

Shiinotic should be a pure Fairy-type. Nothing about its design is overtly grassy, and the primary Grass-type does it more bad than good when it comes to battling by making it four times weak to Poison.

9 Ferroseed

Ferroseed and its evolution are two of only three Grass/Steel Pokémon in the franchise. It’s a terrific type combination that absolutely makes them exceptional Pokémon. Design-wise, however, there’s almost no presence of the Grass-type. Its entire body is steel, and there’s no sign of leaves or plants except for its green-colored spikes.

Type combinations make things more interesting, but the design should incorporate enough elements to portray the Pokémon’s duality. Alas, Ferroseed is too much Steel and not enough Grass.


8 Amoonguss

People might guess that Amoonguss is a Poison-type, and they would be correct. However, they could also think it has no other type and who could blame them? This Pokémon leans heavily into the Poison attributes, to the detriment of its Grass-typing.

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Amoonguss’s dull and brownish color also makes it look like a Ground-type, but only slightly. In reality, this mushroom Pokémon would be better off as a pure Poison-type, with Normal as a more appropriate secondary type.

7 Snover

Snover’s design implies that it is a dual-type, but Grass doesn’t come to mind. Instead, its combination of white and brown suggests it is Ice/Ground. It looks like a snowy mountain, after all. And while it does have green hands, they’re not important enough to suggest a Grass typing.

Ice/Ground is also far better than Grass/Ice. Snover and its evolution have one of the worst type combinations in the franchise. It gives them a shocking seven weaknesses, including quad vulnerability against the common Fire-type.

6 Nuzleaf

Nuzleaf’s brown color scheme and lack of plant-like elements (other than the leaf coming out of its head) suggest a Ground typing. Its legs are reminiscent of acorns, but the comparison is not blatant.

When looking at it from afar, its human-like physiognomy is more akin to the Fighting-type. Its posture, with both arms raised as if flexing its biceps, reinforce this belief, so a dual Fighting/Ground-type would fit this mischievous imp.

5 Exeggcute

One of the original 150 Pokémon, Exeggcute’s design was always a tad controversial. Some people thought it was a group of eggs, while others saw them as seeds of some kind. Over the years, fans came up with many theories, including one where it is a visual pun on the word “eggplant.”

One thing is undeniable, though, and it’s that Exeggcute doesn’t look like a Grass-type. If anything, it fits its secondary Psychic-type better. Its angry expression could also make it a prime candidate for the Dark-type.

4 Dhelmise

Dhelmise’s design includes an anchor and the helm of a boat. Why isn’t it a Water-type? Sure, it also features some seaweed that ties the whole thing together, but the aquatic elements are far more prevalent.

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Dhelmise takes inspiration from the idea of shipwrecks and ghost ships, which explains its primary Ghost-type- But why Grass? The seaweed is not nearly substantial enough to warrant it. Its predatory and sinister behavior could also make it an ideal Dark-type, but Ghost/Water seems like the appropriate combination for this powerful marine Pokémon.

3 Appletun

One of the newest Grass-types Appletun made its debut in the Generation VIII games, Pokémon Sword & Shield. One of the many Pokémon based on food, Appletun is literally a sentient apple pie. It is a dual-type Grass/Dragon Pokémon that doesn’t like either a dragon or a grass-type.

Appletun doesn’t really resemble any of the eighteen Pokémon types. Perhaps a bug of some kind, but that requires a great deal of imagination. Its green color scheme fits the Grass-type alright, but it could also make for a very convincing Fairy or even a Rock-type.

2 Kartana

The Ultra Beasts don’t have classic Pokémon designs, and that makes sense. They’re Pokémon from another dimension, after all. So when looking at them, the traditional rules for Pokémon types go out the window.

However, Kartana does resemble a Pokémon type, one that it already has, actually. It is a Grass/Steel Pokémon that looks nothing like the former. Kartana only looks like a Steel-type, or perhaps Steel/Flying, considering it can float. Steel/Fire could also be plausible because of its orange and yellow coloring, Finally and because of its high intellect, it could also pass for a Steel/Psychic.

1 Tapu Bulu

The island deities of the Alola region have some intriguing lore behind them. Tapu Bulu serves as the guardian of Ula’ula Island. Like the other deities, it shares the secondary Fairy-type but has Grass as its primary. And it doesn’t fit either.

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Tapu Bulu has several bull-like elements, which might make it a good Ground or Normal-type. Its arms also bend downwards, in somewhat of a battle position, making Fighting another good choice. Finally,  its red, black, and gold color scheme could make it an adequate Dark-type, but that’s probably too sinister for an island deity.

Next10 Great Nintendo Franchises That Aren’t Playable In Smash Bros.

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