One of the many constants which appears in nearly every Pokémon game in some capacity is the Poké Ball. Whether players must first weaken a Pokémon in order to get them into a state where the ball actually works as intended or simply flick the Poké Ball at a wild Pokémon with their finger, Poké Balls aren’t just the way Pokémon are transported in the world of the Pokémon series, it is also the game’s most iconic and recognizable logo.

While players are likely most familiar with the traditional red and white design of the normal Poké Ball, there are actually twenty-seven different variations of this object. Many of the different and unique types of Poké Balls are exclusive to certain Pokémon generations, games, or regions, and even die-hard Pokémon fans may not have gotten their hands on all of them. Each Poké Ball in Pokémon serves a specific function, but they all are based around the same idea of allowing players to capture (and then subsequently train, release, or deposit into a daycare) the Pokémon of their choice.


Although there are lots of different kinds of Poké Balls with varying levels of benefits, one of the best Poké Balls players can have in their inventory is undoubtedly the Master Ball. With a Master Ball, Pokémon players are able to catch any Pokémon they want with no chance of failure – something which can save hours of frustration, especially in those games where players must first reduce a Pokémon’s health bar before it can be captured. Just because the Master Ball is one of the best Poké Balls, however, doesn’t mean the rest aren’t important.

Every Poké Ball In Pokémon (So Far)

Listed below (in alphabetical order) are all twenty-seven different types of balls used to capture Pokémon featured in the franchise. Currently, these are all the Poké Balls which are considered canon, although more may be added in future DLC for Pokémon Sword & Shield or other series entries.

  • Beast Ball
  • Cherish Ball
  • Dive Ball
  • Dream Ball
  • Dusk Ball
  • Fast Ball
  • Friend Ball
  • Great Ball
  • Heal Ball
  • Heavy Ball
  • Level Ball
  • Love Ball
  • Lure Ball
  • Luxury Ball
  • Master Ball
  • Moon Ball
  • Nest Ball
  • Net Ball
  • Park Ball
  • Poké Ball
  • Premier Ball
  • Quick Ball
  • Repeat Ball
  • Safari Ball
  • Sport Ball
  • Timer Ball
  • Ultra Ball
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Whether or not Pokémon Sword & Shield gets a third DLC, players will likely see new Poké Balls added to this list at some point in the future. Eventually, there will be a ninth generation of Pokémon, and once that happens it is almost guaranteed that new Poké Balls will be introduced as well. Until then, these are all the Poké Balls players know about so far.

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