The Pokémon anime is full of iconic moments that fans never get tired of seeing. The characters go through a complex, fun, and compelling journey throughout the show’s 1152 episodes, going from naive and often immature children to experienced and resilient Trainers.

With the exception of Ash and the notoriously clumsy Team Rocket, the series has a wide cast that changes every season. All these colorful and engaging characters go through their fair share of adventures, overcoming obstacles and coming out more determined and capable than ever. Fans still love to see all these moments, always rooting for Ash and his numerous friends.

10 Mallow Says Goodbye To Her Mom

“Memories in the Mist” ranks as one of the anime’s saddest episodes to date. The episode centers on the Legendary Pokémon Tapu Fini and its mysterious mist that allows Pokémon and people to reunite with deceased loved ones.

The episode features the reunion of Ash’s Torracat with its previous mentor, an elderly Stoutland. It also includes a storyline in which Mallow gets the opportunity to say goodbye to her mom, who died of illness before the series’ events. Fans learn that Mallow had a falling out with her mom shortly before her death and always regretted it. Reuniting with her in the mist allows Mallow to have a proper goodbye and finally move on.

9 Serena Kisses Ash

To many fans, Serena and Ash are the anime’s defining couple. The young Trainer from Pallet Town shares his fair share of chemistry with all of his girl companions, most notably Misty. However, Serena is the first to show blatant romantic interest in Ash throughout her entire journey with him.

Serena’s most memorable moment comes as she says goodbye to Ash at the end of the X&Y season. Already halfway down the electric stairs, she climbs back up and plants a kiss on Ash’s lips. She then says, “Thank you!” as she goes back down, leaving Ash slightly bewildered but happy. Clemont, Bonnie, and Pikachu’s embarrassed faces are the icing on the cake.


8 Iris Battles Clair

Iris’ dream is to become a Dragon Master. Already a gifted Trainer, Iris keeps training throughout her journey in the Black & White season. She finally catches a Gible and has a battle with one of the most renowned Dragon Masters in the bonus episode “Iris vs. Clair! The Road to Dragon Master.”

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Iris’ battle with Clair is thrilling and surprisingly even. Both Trainers give it their all, and Iris makes some real progress with her notoriously difficult Dragonite. In the end, and even though she loses, Iris learns a lot from the battle, and her bond with Dragonite grows deeper.

7 May Travels Backs To The Past

Ash’s companions get some episodes all to themselves every once in a while. May has several during her time in the series, but none as memorable or heartwarming as “Time Warp Heals All Wounds.” The episode pairs her with Meowth as they, along with her Squirtle, travel back in time. They help a couple of young lovers stay together, directly affecting the present timeline to the ultimate benefit of everyone involved.

The episode also features the hatching of May’s egg, revealing an Eevee that would eventually evolve into a Glaceon. It’s a momentous episode for May that proves she’s an engaging and charming character capable of carrying an entire storyline by herself.

6 Dawn Wins The Wallace Cup

Dawn is Ash’s companion in the Sinnoh region, whose goal is to be a Top Coordinator like her mother. Dawn is very confident and talented, and her entire journey leads her to a climactic showdown against May during the Wallace Cup finals.

The battle is exciting and inspired, as both Trainers bring out their best moves. In the end, though, Dawn and her Piplup best May’s Glaceon and win the Cup. It’s a triumphant moment for the character, who trained her way up and always believed in herself. It’s also meaningful for the fans, who feel as though the victory is also theirs.

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5 Brock Is Terrified Of Professor Ivy

Brock is Ash’s longest-serving companion, traveling throughout four different regions with the young Trainer and always offering wise advice and support. However, Brock briefly leaves the group during the Orange Islands saga to work for Profesor Ivy on Valencia Island.

Upon his return, Brock is visibly afraid of Professor Ivy. Every time someone mentions her, he retreats into a corner, wraps his hands around his legs, and begs them not to say “that name.” He never reveals what happened that left him so traumatized, but it probably was something very awful to leave him so afraid.

4 Misty Lets Togetic Go

Ash’s other original companion, Misty, stays with him during his travels around Kanto and Johto. She leaves to go back to Cerulean City and become the Gym Leader but makes several returns in the following years. One of the most memorable is when she reunites with Ash in the Mirage Kingdom.

Misty’s Togepi, who was with her since the 50th episode of the original anime, evolves into Togetic to protect the Kingdom’s other Togepi. Realizing that Togetic needs to stay behind and help rebuild the Kingdom, Misty releases it in one of the anime’s most emotional scenes.

3 Team Rocket Releases Weezing & Arbok

Team Rocket also gets a sad but unforgettable moment when they release their beloved Weezing and Arbok. The two Pokémon were with Jessie and James from day one and stayed with the team throughout Kanto and Johto.

During the Hoenn season, Team Rocket comes across a Pokémon poacher targeting a group of Koffing and Weezing in Petalburg Woods. Jessie and James understand that their Pokémon can protect the younger members of the herd and tearfully release them. Arbok and Weezing then escape with the Koffing and Ekans while the Rocket trio stays behind and fights the poacher and his Tyranitar by themselves.

2 Pikachu Stays With Ash

During the original anime’s 39th episode, aptly titled ‘Pikachu’s Goodbye,” Ash releases his most trusted companion. In the episode, Ash and company find a group of wild Pikachu in a forest and his own Pikachu bonds with them. In typical Ash fashion, he decides Pikachu would be happier with his kind and releases his yellow friend.

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Pikachu, however, has no desire to leave Ash and the two reunite after the Pokémon chases after his Trainer. It’s an unforgettable and wholesome scene that cements Ash and Pikachu’s relationship, firmly establishing it as the emotional core that keeps the anime afloat.

1 Ash (Finally) Becomes Champion

Ash Ketchum’s entire goal is to become a Pokémon Master. He wants to be the very best like no one ever was. During his journey, he takes part in numerous Pokémons tournaments and always gives it his all. He’s never able to win any of them, even though he definitely should have, at least in some instances.

That all changes at the end of the Sun & Moon series, when he finally becomes the Pokémon League Champion. After a climactic two-episode battle with Gladion, Ash’s Lycanroc bests Gladion’s, earning him the coveted title. Seeing Ash hold his trophy is an emotional moment that every fan felt in their hearts. After 22 years and countless battles, Ash is the Champion at last, and all is right in the world.

Next10 Demon Slayer Swords, Ranked (Anime and Manga)

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