Pokémon Trainers are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the beloved franchise, and during that time nearly 900 different monsters have been introduced in various anime series, cards, movies, and games. After eight generations of creatures, there are few Pokémon designs that are more perplexing than others. This is especially true of Pokémon that look extremely different than their own evolutions.

Most Pokémon have at least one other evolution in their line. There are numerous ways that Pokémon can evolve, the most common of which is through leveling up, being traded, or being exposed to a specific item. Although evolving turns Pokémon into different species, most evolution lines are similar in appearance and type.


Many players take evolutions’ strengths and weaknesses into consideration when deciding which Pokémon will make their final team. However, there are other players who are less familiar with a Pokémon’s evolution line and make their decisions based on appearance. Those players may be surprised by these evolution lines that look completely unrelated to each other.

Pokémon’s Snorunt Evolves Into Glalie Or Froslass

Snorunt, is an Ice-type Pokémon. It is small, triangle-shaped, and has striking blue eyes. It appears to be wrapped up in a blanket to protect itself from colder climates. Snorunt evolves at level 42 into Glalie. Interestingly, if the Snorunt is female and exposed to a Dawn Stone at the time of evolution, it evolves into Froslass instead. There is a slight resemblance between Snorunt and Glalie’s blue eyes and large teeth, but that is where the similarities end. Glalie is an intimidating floating orb, which is unexpected from its cuter pre-evolution. The differences between Snorunt and Glalie only increase when Glalie Mega Evolves.

These differences, however, are nothing compared to the ones between Snorunt and Froslass. Froslass resembles a woman in a kimono. The only physical feature that connects Froslass to its pre-evolution is its eyes, and unsuspecting players may be surprised to find out that the innocent-looking Snorunt could evolve into such a haunting Pokémon.

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Pokémon’s Trapinch Evolves Into Vibrava & Flygon

Trapinch is a Ground-type Pokémon. This orange monster resembles an insect with its strong, zig-zagging mouth. However, Trapinch’s twinkling eyes make it undeniably cute. Trapinch can evolve into two other species: Vibrava at level 35 and Flygon at level 45. The jump from Trapinch to Vibrava is significant in itself, as Vibrava looks similar to a dragonfly. However, when compared with Flygon, there are even fewer similarities.

Flygon’s coloring, tail, wings, and antennae are the most notable differences from Trapinch. Essentially, though, every detail between the two monsters are distinct from each other. Although Flygon looks like it could evolve from Vibrava, the fact that Trapinch begins the evolutionary line is simply baffling.

Remoraid is a Water-type Pokémon that evolves into Octillery at level 25. This “sniper of the seas” has a fairly straightforward design as a fish. Remoraid is blue in color and has two ventral fins, two caudal fins, a dorsal fin, and very large eyes.

Octillery, on the other hand, has none of these features. Rather, it is a cephalopod, most closely resembling an octopus. These monsters are red with yellow suction cups and bumps. Aside from the fact that both live in the sea, there is seemingly nothing connecting Octillery to its pre-evolution design. By real-world standards, the two are entirely different species with little in common.

Pokémon’s Dragonite Evolution Line Makes No Sense

Dragonair is the second evolution in its line. It evolves from Dratini at level 30. Both Dragonair and Dratini look very similar in color, shape, and physical features. Both Dragon-type Pokémon look very graceful and majestic. Mystifyingly enough, this fluidity is all disrupted when it evolves into Dragonite at level 55.

Dragonite changes color and grows wings, a tail, and antennae. Most confusing of all, Dragonite is bipedal, entirely unique from its serpentine pre-evolutions. Although very cute, Dragonite is admittedly less sleek than Dratini and Dragonair. After almost 900 designs, Pokémon continues to introduce creative monsters, even if they don’t always make sense.

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