A number of Pokémon GO players are running into repeated seven-day bans after only one cheating offense – or none at all in some reported cases. The issue is potentially serious, since developer Niantic has a three-strike anti-cheat policy that could end up banning some Pokémon GO players permanently (assuming the system is actually recording new offenses correctly, which it doesn’t appear to be.)

Without a doubt, the mobile ARG for iOS and Android does have a serious cheating issue. In February, Niantic said it had penalized or banned around 5 million players across all its games in 2020, including Ingress and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Of those, more than 20 percent were permanent bans. However, it also boasts that 90 percent of people who received a warning immediately quit cheating, and that it’s investing in “new and emerging technologies” while enhancing existing ones to catch exploits. Location-spoofing tools are easily the most common weapons among cheaters, as it allows Pokémon GO players to “travel” anywhere at will.


Close to a dozen players reported unwarranted bans to Eurogamer. Some of them maintain their absolute innocence, while others admit they were rightfully penalized for spoofing their location once before stopping altogether. However, they all report that they’ve now received multiple weeklong bans without cause. One player who admitted to initially cheating noted that they were technically on their fourth strike after a single incident, but they’ve been issued no permaban. Another said they they tried to appeal their ban, but only got a canned response and no replies to a follow-up email. Still more have contacted Niantic and heard nothing to date.

While it hasn’t said anything public about the latest incidents, Niantic has previously acknowledged similar claims of undeserved bans. That may back the notion that its anti-cheat system is overreacting and/or overly sensitive, presumably because of the developer’s ramped-up campaign to clean up Pokémon GO‘s act. The game isn’t as directly competitive as something like Call of Duty or League of Legends, so cheaters don’t always impact the experience of others. However, the introduction of trainer battles and the ever-present competition to be among the first to catch ’em all and become the best there ever was makes spoofing not an entirely victimless offense.

The best evidence that Niantic’s technology isn’t functioning as intended is that players are getting multiple seven-day bans. Normally, a second offense would trigger a 30-day ban, followed by permanent removal. That may give hope to some affected players that Pokémon GO punishments can and will be reversed. Despite having problems with customer feedback, Niantic’s support team is otherwise very active, given the game’s regular events meant to boost player counts.

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Pokémon GO is available on iOS and Android.

Sources: Eurogamer

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