Mega Pidgeot will soon fly its way into Pokémon GO as a reward for a raid challenge. This addition comes after a week of silence following a global mega eaid event that Niantic recently added to the game.

The start of September saw Niantic announce various events with the newly released mega evolution mechanic. The first of these was a challenge to complete two million mega raids from September 1st to September 7th. If this was accomplished, Niantic said that Mega Pidgeot would be released into the game. Once September 7th passed, there was silence for a week on whether or not players completed this task. That is, until now.


After a week of waiting, Niantic has announced that Mega Pidgeot will be available to fight in a mega raid from September 18th onward. Pidgeots will also be able to mega evolve on that date. However, some replies to this announcement question whether players actually succeeded in completing two million raids or whether Niantic was saving face for its controversial implementation of mega evolutions.

The addition of mega evolutions in Pokémon GO has been ripe with controversy, with many players criticizing their implementation in the game to act as a cash grab. Mega energy is required in order to get a Pokémon to mega evolve for a limited time. Mega energy is only obtainable through mega raids, and players can only get a limited number of raid passes through play, but can use Pokécoins to buy more. This sparked outrage from the Pokémon GO community, with many complaining that mega evolutions were just way to get players to spend more money on raid passes to be able to enjoy mega evolutions to their fullest. While the system is improved compared to how it was at launch thanks to an update that decreased the amount of Mega energy required, it’s still not what many would call ideal.

The question of whether or not players ever succeeded at their goal is up in the air. All there is to go by is Niantic’s word that we successfully “unlocked” Mega Pidgeot, but players aren’t entirely convinced. If players didn’t reach that goal, it could validate how the community has responded to the mega raid mechanic’s implementation by proving that they’re just not willing to spend money for it. As it stands though, players can only speculate until data is someday uncovered. Regardless, Pokémon trainers can look forward to using mega Pidgeot in Pokémon GO on September 18th.

Source:  PokémonGOApp, Pokémon GO Live

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