When it comes to the types in the Pokémon franchise, Bug is often among the weaker ones. While certain of them are powerful, many Big-type Pocket Monsters are early-game encounters that have low base stat totals and become less viable as the story progresses.

Likewise, many Bug-type moves are relatively underwhelming. However, there are certain Bug-type moves that can dramatically help a Pokémon in battle, either through damage or through significantly boosting the stats of their user. The type still tends to fall behind in comparison to many others in the series, but the best Bug-type moves help it to hold its own a bit.

10 Signal Beam

Signal Beam, which is available to some of the best Bug-type Pokémon and many other powerful creatures, can deal solid damage with its base power of 75, and with a base accuracy of 100%, it is a reliable option in battle.

Signal Beam also has a 10% chance to confuse the target, increasing its viability even further. Unfortunately, as of right now, Signal Beam is inaccessible in Generation VIII, but players of various games in Generations III through VII can utilize it.

9 Lunge

With a base power of 80 and a base accuracy of 100%, Lunge is an attack that is more than capable of doing sizable damage. Along with its standard power, Lunge also lowers the target’s Attack stat.

While this additional effect is most helpful against Physical attackers, as those who utilize Special attacks will not be impacted, Lunge can be a valuable move in a lot of matchups. Even based on its sheer power alone, Lunge can come in handy as a dependable attack.


8 First Impression

Introduced in Generation VII, First Impression is a move that has incredibly high priority, allowing it to almost always go first. With this initial strike, First Impression can do terrifying damage with a base power of 90 and a base accuracy of 100%.

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The downside to the move is that it only works during the first turn the user is in the battle, failing on every other occasion. Despite this drawback, the attack can be an excellent opener to a battle and can sometimes even knock out an opponent in one hit.

7 Pollen Puff

Pollen Puff is a unique action among the other Bug-type moves. When a Pokémon uses it against an opponent, Pollen Puff has a base power of 90 and an accuracy of 100%, making it a fantastic attack that can be a valuable addition to a move-set.

When a Pokémon uses it on an ally, though, the move heals the target for up to half its maximum HP. While the latter option is only usable in certain battle formats, it nevertheless means that Pollen Puff has excellent utility.

6 Bug Buzz

Bug Buzz has a base power of 90 and an accuracy of 100%, making it similar to the attack Psychic, which itself is one of the most powerful Psychic moves in Pokémon. Bug Buzz is also like Psychic in its additional effect, which gives it a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Special Defense.

Because Bug Buzz is an attack in the Special category, this additional effect gives it the potential to do more damage with each subsequent strike. Even if the drop in Special Defense does not activate, though, Bug Buzz is still a viable attack that does solid damage.

5 Attack Order

Attack Order, one of Vespiquen’s signature moves, is an excellent part of the Pokémon’s move pool and has the highest base power of any attack Vespiquen can learn through leveling up. The move’s base power is 90, and its accuracy is 100%.

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As a bonus, Attack Order has an increased critical hit chance, making the attack even more impressive. With such reliability and strength, Attack Order is one of the best moves Vespiquen can learn for a playthrough, and trainers who want to use the Pokémon can benefit extensively from the attack.

4 Quiver Dance

Though it does no damage on its own, Quiver Dance can be a valuable asset to have on a Pokémon. It boosts the user’s Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, giving it a massive buff in one turn.

Quiver Dance does not help with Physical stats, but with a higher Speed stat, the user may be able to act before its opponent and not have to deal with Physical damage. A large number of Pokémon can learn Quiver Dance, including Volcarona, one of the strongest Pokémon from the Unova region.

3 Leech Life

Leech Life has been in the Pokémon franchise since Generation I, but it has changed dramatically since its introduction. Initially, the attack had a base power of 20 and an accuracy 0f 100%, and it allowed the user to restore up to half of the damage done, making it useful exclusively at very early levels.

In Generation VII, however, Leech Life got an incredible upgrade. Now, it has a base power of 80, and it maintains its 100% accuracy and restorative effect, turning it from a weak Bug-type move into one that many fear.

2 Tail Glow

Tail Glow is a move that can dramatically alter the course of a battle. From Generation III to Generation IV, the move raised the user’s Special Attack stat by two stages, but starting in Generation V, it increased the Special Attack stat by three stages.

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The Pocket Monster perhaps most well-known for using this move is Manaphy, which, though not the strongest among the Sinnoh Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, gains a significant buff with Tail Glow. If a Pokémon uses Tail Glow and attacks the following turn, it can become a destructive force.

1 Megahorn

In Generation II, the Pokémon franchise introduced Megahorn, a Bug-type move that is still extremely viable to this day. Though it was initially the signature move of Heracross, Megahorn is now accessible to a large number of Pokémon.

`With a base accuracy of 85%, the attack is not entirely reliable, and trainers must take a chance if they want to use it. However, this risk often pays off because it hits more often than not, and when it does, Megahorn’s incredible base power of 120 can do immense damage.

Next10 Best Generation 8 Pokémon, According to Ranker