A big part of the appeal of the entire Pokémon franchise is the fact that the vast majority of them are ridiculously adorable, particularly in their earliest stages. And in some cases, they get a lot less adorable as they evolve.

That’s certainly true in the case of Fire-type Pokémon. Take Charmander as an example, a classic starter. In its earliest form, it’s one of the most adorable Pokémon out there but by the time it gets to the Charizard stage, it’s a lot more scary. But Charmander isn’t the only cute Fire-type Pokémon by far. If anything, this might be one of the cutest Pokémon classes out there.

10 Cyndaquil Is Ready To Go Off

There are a variety of different starter Pokémon from different regions, including Cyndaquil. This fiery little fellow is a starter from the Johto region, and evolves into the Quilava and eventually the Typhlosion.

While its full classification is a Fire-Mouse Pokémon, Cyndaquils look a lot like hedgehogs but with quills that look like they’re on fire. As adorable as they are, it’s probably best to be careful when hugging them due to the fiery quills and whatnot.

9 Fennekin Is A Fiery Fox

Debuting in Generation VI, Fennekin is the Fire-type starter from the Kalos region. Other starters from this region include the equally cute Froakie and Chespin. It must be hard to make such a choice as a prospective trainer.

Fennekins look like little foxes that are mostly a yellowish color but with bright red tufts of fur in their ears. They often have a super judgy look on their faces, too, which honestly makes them even cuter.


8 Chimchar Has An Adorable Monkey Face

Monkeys are pretty gosh darn precious, especially babies. One of the sweetest sights in the world is a baby monkey clinging to its mother as it climbs through the trees.

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Chimchar is the Fire-type starter from the Sinnoh region and bears more than a striking resemblance to a monkey. Having a flame burning where its tail should certainly make it stand out from the average monkey, though.

7 Growlithe Looks Like A Liger

Puppies and kittens will melt even the coldest heart. Growlithe is even better at this as being a Fire-type Pokémon kind of gives it an unfair advantage in that situation. But that doesn’t make it any less adorable.

Growlithes eventually evolve into Arcanines, which look more mythical, but in its earliest state, it is one adorable creature.

6 Charmander Is An Adorable Starter Pokémon

People who have been with the Pokémon franchise for a long time know Charmander as one of the first three starters they had to choose between. The other two were Bulbasaur and Squirtle.

These little orange Pokémon with huge eyes are basically tiny, cute dragons. From the day they’re born, Charmanders have flame burning on the tip of their tails which just accentuates everything sweet about them.

5 Litten Is A Kitten With A Burning Attitude

The Litten first popped in Generation VII and is classified as a Fire Cat. No two words in combination should strike more fear into pet owners than the phrase “fire cat.” Without the assistance of fire, cats can already do more than enough damage.

That being said, it’s hard to ignore how cute a Litten is. These black and red kitten-like Pokémon are adorable but they kind of have a problem with resting mean face. Littens perpetually have a look that makes it seem like they’re thinking about killing their trainers, but really its in that cute way that characterizes cats.

4 Tepig Has A Sweet, Curly Tail

A lot of people underestimate how precious a baby pig can be. They trot around on their tiny piggy feet, having fun and being absolutely sweet. Just be careful if you pick one up. They might be cute, but the sound they make when they leave the ground isn’t.

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Tepig was introduced as a Generation V starter Pokémon and is classified as a Fire-Pig. It even has a little curly tail, keeping in mind that said tail is cartoonish and exaggerated in the best possible way.

3 Vulpix Is More Lovely That Cute

Vulpix is an oldest of the old school Pokémon as it was part of Generation I. It evolves into Ninetales, a truly magnificent and stately Pokémon that looks like it should be competing for and winning some sort of Pokémon show.

While Vulpix is a truly lovely and adorable Fire-type Pokémon, it also has a regional Ice-type version that can be found in Alola. But regardless of which type is in play, Vulpix is one of the most striking Pokémon around.

2 Litleo Is An Adorable Little Lion

Once again, basing a Pokémon on a cat has created something so precious that an average trainer would rather cuddle it than send it into battle. Any trainer who could send a Litleo to fight a Charizard has no heart.

Litleos are a Generation VI Pokémon that bear more than a little resemblance to a baby lion with chocolate brown fur and a bright red tuft on the top of its head. This Pokémon demands to be hugged.

1 Torchic Looks Like Tweety Bird With Fire Powers

If Tweety Bird ever gained fire-based attacks, Sylvester had best turn his sights on much different prey.

Not only is Torchic the cutest Fire-type Pokémon around, but there’s also a good chance that this tiny orange bird might be the most adorable Pokémon of all time. Who could resist a little baby chick, after all?

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