Pokémon UNITE is one of the best new free-to-play games of the year. This game is different from many previous Pokémon installments, as it is a multiplayer online game that requires teamwork to score goals to earn more points than the enemy team.

As a character, Charizard is one of the strongest in Pokémon UNITE because he has a strong early and late game, and he deals massive amounts of damage. However, there are a few tips and tricks to learn before diving into a game with this Pokémon, as he can be difficult to master.

Use The Best Held Items For Charizard

Just like most other high-damage champions, Charizard works really well with Buddy Barrier and Muscle Band. The added shield will help with his sustain when he’s still Charmander (widely considered one of the best starter Pokémon) before level 4. In addition, Muscle Band increases his attack damage slightly.


Muscle Band is super important for Charizard specifically because he does sustained damage, and this will make it even more effective against enemies. For a third item, Energy Amplifier is going to help with giving Charizard even more damage after he uses his Ultimate Move.

Take Fire Punch Early

While there are still many things to know about Charizard and how he plays, it’s important to start off his games right. The first move to take for him is Fire Punch, because, compared to Flamethrower, it does a little more damage while also having some gap closing utility. This means that Charizard will be more mobile and have a better chance of winning trades with an enemy laner.

Flamethrower, although it has been buffed several times in different patches for the game, is still not nearly as strong so it’s important to start the game off right with Fire Punch instead.

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Know Charizard’s Passive

Charizard’s passive is that he does extra damage to characters that have been burned. Because he does deal burn damage himself, this is super effective. Staying aware of when enemy champions are burning increases the chances of Charizard going in and turning a fight, as well.

Though there are many other ways that Pokémon receive burn damage in UNITE, knowing when it spot this and go in for a fight can greatly shift the balances of the game and make it come out in favor of Charizard.

Use Charizard’s Fire Blast

Fire Blast is a good option for a secondary move because it slows enemies, does burn damage and has a wide area of effect. Not only does this move work well with Charizard’s passive, but it also synergizes with his Fire Punch.

To pull off this combination, Charizard simply uses Fire Blast to slow and burn then uses Fire Punch to do even more damage while also pushing the enemy Pokémon around to make them stay in the Blast radius.

Learn Charizard’s Counters

Though Charizard has no problems with being weak throughout any moment of the game as a high sustain all-rounder, he does have a few counters that he should probably try to avoid handling alone unless he has his Ultimate Move or his teammates nearby.

Blastoise is really challenging for Charizard to fight because he is a tank that negates Charizard’s gap closing abilities and forces him to play defensively. Zeraora is also difficult for Charizard to fight because this Pokémon has super high mobility and Charizard doesn’t have enough crowd control to slow her enough and attack before she kills him.

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Use Fast Clear To Get Ahead

Charizard, especially when he fully evolves after level 9, takes camps really fast, and he can use this to deprive the enemy team of their own jungle camps. His speed and sustained damage both make it easy for him to get in and out of different, dangerous places on the map.

If the jungle is helping out in another lane or present on a different side, Charizard can easily make his way to the enemy jungle and take any camps that are up before enemies can show up to save it. This will deprive enemies of experience points and create a gap in levels between Charizard and the enemy team.

Go For Enemy Carries

One thing to note about Charizard is that even though he does have a couple counters, he can almost always win a 1-v-1 with any other character. This means that if there is one or two enemies that are especially strong, he can even out the score.

If one of his main counters is scaling really hard, his Ultimate Move will be able to help him defeat the character, although he may need a little more help from teammates in this particular situation.

Understand Charizard’s Ultimate Move

Charizard’s Ultimate Move, which has been altered slightly in previous game patches, is extremely useful when Charizard is close to dying or when he just needs a little added crowd control.

This move involves him launching off the ground, with an enemy Pokémon, dealing damage by slamming them to the ground and then he breaths fire that does increased damage for a short bit. This move is one of the best in the game and it almost guarantees a kill every time it is used.

Take Advantage Of Charizard’s Sustained Damage

Charizard, though he isn’t the strongest fire-type Pokémon in the TV series, not only has sustained damage in Pokémon UNITE, but, late game, he also has much more health than other characters. Because his normal attacks deal so much damage for long periods of time, his increased health just makes him really safe to play.

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Not to mention, he can engage a team fight and stay in throughout the duration because of his sustain. Overall, Charizard is a really easy Pokémon to carry on because he has so many moves that protect him and his auto attacks deal massive amounts of damage over time.

Isolate With Charizard’s Ultimate Move In Team Fights

One of the most important things Charizard must do is use his Ultimate Move in team fights. He can single-handedly help the team get an objective like Rotom while still damaging enemies.

When a fight breaks out, if he simply isolates one of the enemy carries with his Ultimate and then uses his increased damage fire breathing when he crashes back to the ground, he will obliterate those who are too focused on fighting other characters. At this point, they won’t have time to react to him and his burn damage will finish them off.

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