Pokémon Unite has recently announced the upcoming release of Blastoise, Sylveon, and Mamoswine, but there’s one Pokémon it probably shouldn’t add to its roster: Mewtwo. Blastoise will be joining the game on September 1, with the release dates for the latter pair not announced. Yet while fans of Unite are clamoring to get their favorite Pokémon into the game, and Mewtwo is a frequent request, it seems like Mewtwo’s addition would cause more problems than anything else.

Mewtwo was once the most powerful Pokémon in the franchise, and it’s likely that game-breaking consequences would be ineivitable if it were added to the Pokémon Unite roster. Pokémon Unite initially launched with the legendary Zeraora, a character that has already caused issues within the community for its power levels and playstyle. Though each character can accomplish powerful feats, Zeraora’s AOE and single-target abilities make it one of the most threatening Pokémon in the game. Adding another legendary Pokémon with the potential for game-breaking powers could threaten this Pokémon MOBA’s future and chase players away.


Mewtwo is equipped with an array of powerful psychic abilities throughout many iterations of the character. Its telekinesis is one of the most intimidating powers in its arsenal of attacks. Pokémon Unite’s Defender, Slowbro, has the ability to stun-lock opponents midair in a similar style to Mewtwo’s telekinesis. Giving another character this power could bring difficulties when balancing Unite’s new and old characters. Teleportation is another power that Mewtwo has, and exists in other Pokémon such as Ralts and Kirlia. This power would contribute to the inequality between characters that evolve and those that do not.

Pokémon Unite’s Evolution Disparity Would Be Worse With Mewtwo

Several Pokémon characters on Unite’s roster do not need to evolve, which introduces severely varying power levels. Pokémon Unite’s Gardevoir begins as a Ralts and is practically useless until its evolutions have finished at level nine. Characters such as Lucario, Snorlax, Zeraora, and Absol do not need to evolve and present overpowered threats during the early stages of Unite matches. Mewtwo is another character that lacks evolutions, and will only contribute to this imbalance. While Pokémon Unite characters can be patched, it’s unlikely fixes would be implemented efficiently following the release of a Pokémon like Mewtwo.

Another ability Mewtwo frequently uses is Disable, which prevents the use of opposing Pokémon’s abilities for a short time. This also exists in Unite through the many stun abilities already present in-game. The Disable move could contribute to making another overpowered Pokémon within Pokémon Unite. Psycho Cut is another powerful attack that Mewtwo frequently uses in other Pokémon games. This attack appears as an arc of psychic energy that decimates its opponents. A ranged power such as Psycho Cut could turn Mewtwo into an even deadlier opponent, likely with no equal.

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Though Pokémon Unite has not added another legendary to its roster, Mewtwo’s popularity increases the potential for it to join the game. No Pokémon characters beyond Gardevoir, Blissey, Blastoise, Mamoswine, and Sylveon have joined the roster, but more are sure to come in the future. The current roster often groups new characters into Attacker, All-Rounder, or Speedster, primarily offensive roles. Mewtwo’s character would likely suit an offensive role, furthering the roster’s inequity towards Supporters and Defenders. Instead of adding legendaries, Nintendo would do well to focus more on its underutilized classes.

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