To date, there are 898 creatures to catch in the Pokemon franchise, and all 898 are divided by types. Anyone who’s ever played a Pokemon game knows how important it is to understand how these types work.

However, it’s inevitable that at some point, players will develop favorite types, and the results are fairly interesting. Everyone’s favorite seems to say something about them – what does that say about them?

18 Normal

Don’t get it twisted, being “Normal” doesn’t mean these folks are uninteresting! While they have nothing against some things that might be considered “basic,” they’re also very authentic, and it puts everyone around them at ease.

In addition, they’re fond of things that are cute and sweet, not into drama at all, and know the value of a good nap.

17 Fire

Fire fans have an energetic spirit and are very strong in their convictions. Although their fiery nature might be dulled by shyness at times, when they’re comfortable, they really get going and become the center of attention without even meaning to be.

Typically, Fire fans are the hardest hitters in the room, and they often leave an impression well after they leave – although they have a tendency to “burn” when aggravated.


16 Water

Water folks want to be perceived as chill people who just go with the flow, but deep down, they’re very excitable and love to be active. Their sense of style is also very authentic, and they love going out to functions.

They take things as they come and don’t stress the little things in life, which can make them seem somewhat intimidating to those who are less confident.

15 Grass

With a down-to-earth disposition, people naturally gravitate towards Grass fans. They have a genuine, natural beauty to them, and whether or not they know it, they don’t let it get to their heads.

They’re endlessly dependable and make great friends in the Pokémon world, although sometimes, people may underestimate them and take advantage of their kindness. And be warned: they won’t hesitate to use a Vine Whip.

14 Electric

Life is a buzz for Electric fans, which can mean a number of things. Maybe they’re very ambitious and hyper-focused on the things they want, or maybe they’re just very spontaneous and live for a good party.

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Either way, people who meet them can immediately tell that they’re a force of nature. They’re a rare breed, who hopefully know not to fizz out too fast.

13 Ice

Cool, calm, and collected, Ice fans are somewhat of an enigma to people who meet them. Whether or not they dress to match their interests, they appreciate the finer things in life and understand what true beauty looks like.

Despite their aloof veneers, they’re actually somewhat fragile and sensitive, and that’s totally okay. Hopefully, they choose their battles carefully.

12 Fighting

Life is full of hard knocks, yet Fighters are the rare sort of people who meet them head-on and don’t flinch. They find wisdom in physical mastery and are more philosophical than they may seem. All those Bruce Lee movies have definitely left an impression.

Truly, their innermost conflict is balancing their egos. They may see the world with more nuance than others, but letting it get to their head will only lead them down a more difficult path.

11 Poison

Sometimes in life, a person comes around who is utterly confounding, and Poison fans are those type of people. They’re enigmas – shock value is their raison d’être, and things that would normally nauseate don’t bother them in the slightest.

Either they’re made of stronger stuff than most, or they just enjoy getting a rise out of others. As long as nobody gets hurt, they can keep doing what they’re doing.

10 Ground

The Ground Pokémon type tends to have the most creatures that resemble real-life animals, and therefore, their fans are total animal lovers. Additionally, nothing means more to Ground fans than being out in nature and bonding with its denizens.

They’re what some might call the “salt of the earth,” and although they might be a bit underrated, it’s people like them who keep everyone else, well, grounded.

9 Flying

As idealists who dream of traveling far away, birds in general have always appealed to Flying fans. So it makes sense that Flying-type Pokémon would also be their favorite, as they find something poetic about them, whether it’s their wings or their graceful designs.

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Of course, it could also just be that they really like birds, and having an all-Flying team fulfills their dream of having their own aviary.

8 Psychic

Artsy and quiet, Psychics a little bit “out there,” aren’t they? People are intrigued by them because of their taste in fashion and their unique behavior when compared to other Pokémon, but not everyone really “gets” them. That’s okay, though; they don’t really need others’ approval to feel good about themselves.

Their taste in just about everything is fantastic (if a bit esoteric), and while they might be a little socially awkward, it doesn’t stop the right people from adoring every part of them.

7 Bug

Contrary to what some might think, Pokémon Bug fans are actually super cute. Their love for the little things in life stands out, and everyone who meets them can’t help but find them utterly endearing. Even if their style and way of life is a little unconventional, they march confidently to the beat of their own drums.

Some, of course, might feel threatened by their zeal, but that’s on them. After all, Bug fans are tiny but mighty.

6 Rock

Not to be corny, but Rock fans are literally everyone’s rock. Nobody is as real as a Rock fan, and people can always count on them for the most honest takes. That is, if they can get a hold of them, as they tend to keep things low-key and don’t often feel the need to leave their homes.

They’ve known their paths since they were little, and their ambitions haven’t fluctuated much. Nothing will stop them from living their truths.

5 Ghost

Ghost fans may put off weird vibes, but they can’t help it – that’s just how they are. Due to their pasts, they’re more than a little reserved and definitely shy around people they don’t know. What’s more, people just can’t seem to “get” the things they like.

However, that doesn’t mean they should feel bad about who they are. Although they may get lonely from time to time, they shouldn’t change just for company. The right people will seek them out.

4 Dark

Dark fans guys really hate the word “edgy.” People always accuse them of going through a phase, but they genuinely love the things they do. They love emo music and listen to Elliott Smith unironically. They’re not even that sad; they’re just in touch with their emotions.

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Life’s more intense moments don’t phase them like they do others, and while at times they can seem a little harsh, they’re not mean. They’re just dark.

3 Dragon

Dragon fans are kind of a rarity. They’re children at heart, yet they also have innate wisdom most people have to work towards for years. They’ve got an inner light and fascination for things often overlooked, yet are determined and tenacious in even the most difficult situations.

They’ve got some big dreams, and people might try to dissuade them. But why put out a fire just because it burns brightly?

2 Steel

No other type is as versatile and diverse as Steel, and that translates to their fans. They’re multifaceted people, able to adapt to any situation with ease. That being said, sometimes this means they don’t have a clear idea of who they “really” are.

As a result, some might accuse them of being cold, or “robotic.” It’s ultimately up to them whether or not that matters, though.

1 Fairy

For some people, “cute” is an adjective. For Fairy fans fans, it’s a lifestyle. Their lives are full of pastel colors, fun clothes, and poodle mixes, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Of course, everything has a price, and their carefree lifestyle sometimes makes it difficult for them to keep in touch with others. Remember: all the strawberry dresses in the world aren’t worth the value of a single good friend.

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