The Power Rangers from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were teenagers with attitudes selected to defend the Earth from Rita Repulsa. A majority of the time, Rita wouldn’t do the dirty work herself. Instead, she would send specially-made monsters to fight the Rangers. During the course of the show, there were many sillier ones like Pudgy Pig, too.

There were plenty of powerful villains who gave the Rangers a run for their money and required more strategy to defeat. As kids, these monsters did a swell job of evoking suspense and questioning just how the Ranger would be victorious against such fearsome foes.

10 Commander Crayfish

Commander Crayfish would lead a group of Mutant Rangers created by Rita in season one. The monster had impressive strength, durability, and was pretty good in combat. His best asset was he could summon the Mutant Rangers and lead them in the fight against the Rangers.

Commander Crayfish was a hard monster to defeat seeing as he wasn’t alone in the battle. In one instance, he and the mutant Rangers almost successfully defeated the Rangers, but the heroes were able to outwit them.

9 King Sphinx

Finster came up with a hard monster to defeat in “A Pressing Engagement.” King Sphinx was created by a handful of sand from Egypt and clay. Rita had him created for the sole purpose of defeating Jason, the Red Ranger. She believed without their leader, they could easily be destroyed.

His wings literally blew away his competition; King Sphinx teleported Jason to a mountainous desert for a one-on-one battle. The battle showcased the monster’s impressive combat skills but Jason quickly got the upper hand, as well as did the team when the Megazord was formed for the first time.


8 Pineoctopus

Fans vividly remembered the episode, “No Clowning Around” because of the creepy and scary clown antagonist. The Rangers visit a carnival alongside Trini’s cousin Sylvia. Pineapple the Clown then tries to get their attention and comes up with a plan; he lures Sylvia away with a sinister smile and transforms her into a cardboard cutout.

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His monster form was a terrifying combination of a pineapple and an octopus. The monster had a special powder that didn’t take effect on the Rangers in their morphed forms, nut it still managed to hinder them. For Sylvia and everyone else’s sake, the Red Ranger and Black Ranger defeated him using their Zords.

7 Twin Man

In “A Bad Reflection on You,” Rita created a monster who had some unique abilities. The mirror-themed Twin Man could create any illusion he desired, and his grand plan was to frame the Power Rangers as evil and have everyone in Angel Grove turn against them.

He had pPutties transform themselves into evil versions of the Rangers while he morphed into Jason. It was an interesting plan to get the real Rangers in trouble, no doubt. During their final battle, the Rangers had some difficulty defeating their evil selves, but ultimately, they were victorious in defeating Twin Man with their combined weapons.

6 Blue Globbor

Blue Globbor holds a special place in the series. He made his debut in season three and was the first monster created by Master Vile, Rita’s father. His creation was a bit odd as he was born from an egg, but his powers proved to be interesting. With his ability to drain energy from others, he was tasked with capturing the Power Rangers’ ally Ninjor.

Blue Globbor’s powers were formidable as he not only had Ninjor’s powers but also the powers of the current Megazord. While the Rangers were able to hinder him, Blue Globber only rose from the ashes. Lord Vile connected his life to Ninjor. Thankfully, even after transforming into his most powerful form, the Rangers and Ninjor defeated him.

5 Samurai Fan Man

What made Fan Man an interesting monster was his magical jug. Sent down to Earth, he fights off Tommy and Kimberly, and he’s able to put the former in a temporary coma while trapping Kimberly in his gourd. The most detrimental aspect of it all was that if the gourd broke, Kimberly would perish with it.

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Fan Man’s gourd also allowed him to defeat the Rangers in battle. By opening the gourd, a strong gust of wind could knock the Rangers down. When Fan Man was enlarged and fought off the Zords, the Rangers’ best efforts only slightly hindered Fan Man.

4 Bloom Of Doom

In the Mighty Morphin series, certain episodes were catered to one Ranger. The monster Bloom of Doom appeared in an episode of the same name and focused more on Kimberly. Lord Zedd used a bewitched cactus to turn Kimberly and Trini into bitter rivals. It also gave him the idea to create the aforesaid new monster.

Bloom of Doom has vine-like arms that could wrap around any victim, and she also had dangerous, acrid pollen. That’s not all because while fighting Kimberly, Bloom of Doom teleported both of them to another dimension. Kimberly was under a spell until Trini was able to break her free.

3 Bones

Fans who grew up with the show would recall this special monster from the first season’s outset. Bones was a memorable monster for his powers; he had eye lasers, invisibility, and he was able to separate his body into self-operating parts . His best ability was sending the Rangers into a time-warp.

While in the time-warp, he summoned his Skeleton Warriors to fight the others while he took care of Jason. His plan could have worked had he been able to trap the Rangers in the time-warp forever, ut the fact his body could be dismembered was also his greatest weakness.

2 Wizard Of Deception

Wizard of Deception was recognizable for his ghastly face and flowy cloak. He appeared in season two and was sent by the Ghost of Darkness to destroy the White Ranger. The episodes gave fans a fun rivalry between Tommy and his Green Ranger clone.

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The Wizard of Deception was an old rival of Zordon who could make any illusion into reality. After creating Tommy’s evil clone, he sent the Green Ranger back in time to the 1700s. The Wizard’s clone was even able to call upon the Dragonzord and was almost successful in destroying Tommy and the Rangers.

1 The Primator

The blue-skinned primate-like monster called The Primator is still fresh in fans’ memories. Besides his scary sharp teeth and red eyes, Primator was able to transform into the Rangers; not just their teenage forms, either, but their morphed from, as well. This was a play on the idea monkeys mimic others. He was given the task of infiltrating the Command Center and was almost successful. He did so by disguising himself as Billy to gain access.

Later on, his shapeshifting abilities prove equally useful. During a battle, he transforms into Trini and makes them question their attacks. Primator could even adapt their Ranger powers and make replicas of their weapons. The Rangers finally realized once he saw his own reflection, Primator would revert to his original form. This made him all the more susceptible to defeat.

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