Utilizing the fan-favorite Predator franchise, Predator: Hunting Grounds places players into a deadly game of cat and mouse. Forcing 4 Fireteam players to defeat or evade the murderous clutches of the player-controlled Predator. Equipped with the variety of gadgets and items used throughout the franchise, the Predator’s ability to stalk and hunt the Fireteam members is perfectly balanced with their ability to fend off and defeat the Predator. The game draws inspiration from similar horror-themed 4 versus 1 title such as Dead by Daylight or Friday the 13th, the game provides a variety of mechanics and system exclusive to the theme and universe of Predator. 


As the Predator player looms from the distance waiting to strike, the Fireteam players are equally prepared to do battle with the elusive creature. Equipped with a variety of powerful weaponry, gadgets, and other items that are effective in thwarting the villainous monster, the Fireteam is not a helpless group of individuals waiting to be defeated. However, that does not mean that playing Fireteam is a simple or easy process. In fact, against the right Predator player, the odds may seem stacked against even a well-coordinated group of Fireteam players. This guide will provide players with some essential tips and tricks to defeat the Predator and survive throughout Hunting Ground. 

Stay Together in Predator: Hunting Grounds

Where the Predator excels throughout a match of Predator: Hunting Grounds when picking off and dispatching isolated players. For a Predator to truly defeat an entire Fireteam is to separate and defeat single members at a time.

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Sticking together not only prevents the Predator from playing into his strengths but it also allows more eyes to look at the threat that is the treeline. Working as a unit is by far the best method of surviving in Predator: Hunting Grounds and yields the best results. When fighting the Predator, the combined force of the Fireteam is more than enough to defeat an aggressive Predator player. Use this reality to your advantage and quickly kill the Predator if the opportunity presents itself.

However, if you find that a member of your Fireteam is downed be sure to move as a unit to pick up that person. Sending one person to revive that player is asking the Predator to please defeat another Fireteam member. Essentially, moving as a unit is the single best way to win as the Fireteam.

Travel as Stealthy as Possible in Predator: Hunting Grounds

The best way to avoid the Predator is to simply move quietly and avoid starting unnecessary attention. Moving, as a unit and with stealth in mind is the best way to win matches as the Fireteam. A solid way to move stealthy is to avoid starting fights with the AI in the game. At certain points, these fights will be impossible to avoid due to outside circumstances. However, the less time you spend fighting AI the less chance that a Predator player will find you.

Another way to incorporate stealth into your gameplay is to utilize both mud and cover as often as possible. Mud prevents the Predator from seeing players with his Thermal vision, a prevalent aspect of his gameplay. Which essentially kicks the legs out from underneath the Predator. And using cover to block the Predator’s vision is the single best way to survive his constant stalking from the treeline.

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Using stealth is the best way to avoid the Predator’s clutches. And is a method that should be incorporated by any aspiring Fireteam members.

Predator: Hunting Grounds is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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