Pretty Little Liars primarily takes place in the small, fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Although there are episodes in which certain characters travel to other nearby towns and cities like Philadelphia or the fictional and incredibly eerie town of Ravenswood, most of the series takes place in their hometown. This means that almost everything the viewers see is focused on the community of Rosewood as a whole. From time to time, the local news or a local newspaper will be shown, but viewers aren’t given much of a view of the outside world’s reaction to Rosewood.

While not every missing person or strange unsolved mystery ends up making national headlines, anyone who has seen Pretty Little Liars will know that this small town definitely had more than its fair share of strange crimes and eventually, at least a few of them would have caught the attention of the entire country. The fact that Rosewood didn’t end up on the national news for any of these dramatic storylines and events in the show is the biggest mystery of Pretty Little Liars.

10 Bethany’s Misidentification

Early in the series, the mystery of Alison DiLaurentis’ disappearance was solved when her body was found. But, it wasn’t long before there began to be little clues that perhaps that wasn’t Alison’s body after all. Many fans had theories, but not many people could have guessed that the body police discovered actually belonged to a girl named Bethany.

There wasn’t much information on her outside of the fact that she was a Radley patient who was buried in Alison’s grave, but the fact that the police misidentified her as Alison probably would have been a bigger news story.

9 All The Stolen Records

The Liars were definitely pretty shady about the way that they obtained their information. From stealing people’s laptops and phones to just stealing hospital records, they didn’t let anything stand in their way when they wanted to find some information.

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If there were really so many hospital records being stolen as there were in the series, someone would have caught on and it definitely would have been a huge deal. This was just another example of times in the show that the police probably should have stepped in and put a stop to the Liars and the A Team.


8 The Dollhouse

The Dollhouse was a location in Rosewood created by the A Team, designed to replicate various different important locations around Rosewood, like the Liars’ bedrooms. This was a big plot point in the later seasons of the show and although we don’t exactly know what happened there, we do know that the Liars were kept there for three weeks.

While the Liars were being held hostage in The Dollhouse, Ezra, Caleb, Toby, and Alison did their best to try to track them down. While this was far from the scariest situation anyone in Rosewood ever found themselves in, four people being missing for nearly a month probably would have been a pretty big story.

7 The Fashion Show

An event led by high school students going awry when a hacker takes over is probably not something that the national news would have cared about, but Pretty Little Liars fans know that the fashion show was anything but an ordinary event. This was a fashion show being held in Alison’s memory.

Considering Alison’s disappearance was such a huge story in Rosewood, an event memorializing her probably would have been a big story in the area, too. And having it be hacked in such a vicious way? That probably would have at least been a statewide story.

6 Ezra’s Book Research

Despite a lot of fan theories, Ezra was far from the creepiest character in the whole series. Still, the fact that he was a former teacher at Rosewood high who had been following and “researching” teenagers for so long in order to write a book is something that should have been a much bigger deal.

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5 …And Being Fired From Hollis

Ezra and Aria’s relationship was one that was always pretty complicated. Although Ezra resigned from his position teaching at Aria’s high school in order to avoid any fallout that came if people found out that they were dating, that wasn’t the end of their problems.

After he took on a job teaching at Hollis, Aria’s father found out about their relationship and got him fired out of his disapproval for their relationship. Even though things worked out for these two, in the end, it’s safe to say that this scandal probably would have been a bigger news story.

4 “The Jenna Thing”

“The Jenna Thing” is the Liars’ vague way of referring to the night that Alison convinced them Toby was spying on them in her room. In order to get revenge, she threw what she claimed was a harmless smoke ball into his garage to scare him off. Instead, it blinded his step-sister, Jenna, who was inside.

Even if no one found out that it was the Liars’ doing, just the story of this attack and Jenna being left blind probably would have been a story that people were talking about on social media.

3 The Halloween Train

The Halloween episodes of Pretty Little Liars were always some of the creepiest and strangest. In “This is a Dark Ride,” the season three Halloween episode, the Liars went on a Halloween party on a train with Adam Lambert as a special musical guest.

On this ride, Aria got locked in a box and almost tossed off the train by a member of the A Team. Considering Adam Lambert was performing, it seems like it’s safe to assume that security would be a lot higher on the train that night and a stunt like this wouldn’t have gone without notice.

2 Maya’s Disappearance

Maya was a side character in the early seasons and one of the love interests of Emily Fields. After being sent away by her parents to a rehabilitation camp, Maya was sadly never seen again and it eventually came out that she was killed by someone who was stalking her and had come to Rosewood to kill Emily as well.

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Even though not every disappearance in a small town makes national headlines, the fact that there had been so many in Rosewood likely would have drawn some attention to the town. That, paired with what a spectacle it was when Lyndon was discovered at the cabin, would definitely make Maya’s disappearance a bigger story.

1 Alison Having Been Buried Alive

The night of Alison’s disappearance is one that was a big mystery through a lot of the series. Was she killed? Did she simply run away? It eventually became clear that Alison had been attacked and her mother, believing her to be dead, buried her alive. Alison’s return to Rosewood was definitely a big deal and the fact that her disappearance was all over the news, the revaluation that she had been buried alive probably would have been a huge deal.

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