Throughout its seven seasons, Pretty Little Liars delighted fans of all ages. However, that does not mean the show was without its problems. Often the decisions the characters made would make no sense, from their relationships with other characters to their personalities. One such character who often didn’t make sense was Alison Dilaurentis. Everyone’s favorite queen bee of Rosewood often made decisions that were confusing, to say the least. And aspects of her personality did not always make sense if you really thought about them. For example, how was she always one step ahead of everyone? Sometimes even including the mysterious “A”? Her knowledge is unusual for a teenager. She’s far too intelligent and perceptive for many fans to believe. Her relationships often don’t make sense either, from her relationship with Emily to her relationships with Ezra, Lorenzo, and Elliot Rollins.

Did the writers of Pretty Little Liars write Alison making no sense on purpose? Is there a bigger mystery hidden where she’s concerned? Or is it just nonsensical writing? We may never know, yet it’s important to ask the questions and to discover just how many things didn’t make sense with her character. From her rivalries with Paige and Toby, to her visits to her friends after her disappearance, there’s a lot that doesn’t make sense.

We are going to examine it and offer possible explanations for the writing choices. Though that may be difficult in some cases.  Still, it’s worth it to try to explain the inconsistencies and to delve into why the writers might have made the decisions they made.

Here are 20 Things That Don’t Make Sense About Alison Dilaurentis.

20 Her relationship with Emily

Now hold on, Emily and Alison fans. Don’t get your torches and pitchforks yet. Alison’s behavior towards Emily was very hot and cold, to say the least. Why? Why did she kiss her back and then say it was just “for practice?” Why was she always teasing Emily with her knowledge of Emily’s crush on her? Why did she trust Emily at one point and not the others? Why did she not tell Emily earlier that the kisses between them were real?

The possible explanation for this inconsistency in the writing is that Emily and Alison–known to their fans as simply Emison—were not planned to be a couple from the beginning. That’s why initially Alison treated Emily so hot and cold. Because it was just meant to be Alison using and teasing her. Then, as the show went on, Emison became a real possibility to the writers and so they added things like Alison trusting Emily above the others and telling Emily that the kisses between them were real.

19 “The Jenna Thing”

This is a major event in season 1 of Pretty Little Liars. For those who don’t know or don’t remember, Alison convinces her friends to get revenge on Toby Cavanaugh for spying on them by setting off what she says is a stink bomb in the garage. She sets it off with a lighter borrowed from Spencer and it turns out to be a firecracker. The garage catches fire and Jenna, who is inside the garage at the time, gets blinded by the explosion. Alison blackmails Toby into taking the blame.

The question here is did Alison see Jenna or not? If she did see her, why was she so ok with hurting her? Is Alison truly that damaged? If she didn’t see her, why work so hard to keep her involvement a secret if it was a simple accident? It’s possible that Alison truly is that damaged and was willing to hurt Jenna because she saw her as a rival. It’s also possible that Alison didn’t see her and wanted to keep it a secret for reasons of her own that we may never know. Though the former is more likely knowing what Alison was like at the time.


18 visiting her friends after her disappearance

For someone with an intense sense of self-preservation, this seems a bit out of character. Is this proof that she indeed cared for her friends? Or was she just trying to find out more about “A” through them? The writers might have initially kept Alison’s coming back ambiguous. Some of the scenes could have been dreams or hallucinations.

However, that changes a bit in season 4 when all of the Liars see Alison at the same time. That scene doesn’t seem like a dream or a hallucination. Most likely the writers were not sure if they were going to bring Alison back for good until around season 4, which is why the scenes were so ambiguous before then.

17 Her rivalry with Paige

Alison really didn’t like Paige, who she called “Pigskin.” No one really knew why. Why did Alison dislike Paige so much? And why would she threaten to out Paige to her father? One possible explanation for this is that she knew Paige liked Emily in a romantic way and therefore Alison saw her as a threat.

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She wanted to be the center of her friend’s lives, especially Emily’s. Though their relationship does have many inconsistencies, one thing that does make sense is that Alison always needs to be the center of attention. She may have seen Paige liking Emily as a battle for Emily’s attention, a battle she was not going to lose. Alison never did like losing.

16 She was buried alive

How did this happen? How did no one notice she wasn’t gone? If that psychic lady from Ravenswood, Mrs. Grunwald, hadn’t come to save her, she might’ve actually died. A possible explanation for this is that the writers may have initially imagined Alison as actually gone and then later changed their minds.

This can also be seen in her appearances to her friends at first appearing like dreams or hallucinations and then getting more real as time goes on. Perhaps the writers were not initially sure if they were bringing Alison back, hence her passing being possible at one point in the show. Though it eventually turned out that she wasn’t gone. Luckily for her and her friends. And the audience too, really. Alison is quite an interesting character.

15 Her rivalry with Toby

Why did she hate him so much? Why convince her friends to get “revenge” on him for “spying on them” and then have The Jenna Thing happen and force him to take the blame? Did she hate him because he rejected her? Why did she once, in a flashback, call his mother lazy when she was clearly unwell? Someone as intelligent and perceptive as Alison should’ve been able to tell the difference.

Did she just say it to hurt Toby? If so, why? These are questions that likely haunt many fans minds. One possible explanation is that the writers initially wanted the audience to see Alison as a super icy and mean character. So in order for that to happen, the writers had her have a rivalry with Toby, who is overall a nice guy.

14 Her relationship with Ezra

What are the odds that Alison and Aria have the same taste in guys? Of course, friends have things in common but this is ridiculous. Also, what’s wrong with Ezra? Does he have a thing for underage girls? True, he didn’t know Alison was underage at the time but he’s still a little stupid for believing her lies. This makes it seem like Alison is more intelligent than Ezra and frankly, that’s a bit insulting to Ezra. Sure, Alison’s an evil genius. But to be more intelligent than someone older than her is a bit much.

Especially someone who grows up to be a teacher. Then again, so does Alison. More on that later. Perhaps that’s why she was able to outsmart Ezra. A kind of “it takes one to know one” thing. Does that mean Ezra’s also an evil genius? Maybe. Or maybe not. A possible explanation for this one is that Alison is meant to seem more mature than the other Pretty Little Liars characters so that her being the leader of the group makes sense.

13 Her knowledge

Alison is really smart, sure. That’s easy enough to believe. But she’s smarter than several adults? She’s capable of outsmarting even the mysterious force behind “A” who always seems to be one step ahead? That’s less believable. As mentioned before, she’s an evil genius. And that doesn’t make much sense if you really think about it.

She’s far too intelligent and perceptive for a teenager. Not that teenagers aren’t intelligent and perceptive, but they’re usually not as much as Alison is. A possible explanation for this one is that Alison is meant to be perceived as wise beyond her years so that her being the leader of the friend group makes sense. After all, people would rather follow an intelligent leader over a non-intelligent one, right?

12 she was gone for so long

Of course, she did go missing. Yet it still doesn’t make sense. Why didn’t the police do a DNA test or something? Why was the body found assumed to be Alison? Sure, it was found near her old house yet that’s not proof that it’s her. Are the police in Rosewood really that stupid? Most likely, no.

But the writers had to make the audience think they are while they figured out what to do with Alison. As is mentioned before, the writers may have initially not been sure if they were bringing Alison back to the world of the living in Pretty Little Liars, which is why she was assumed gone. As time went on, the writers made it a possibility for her to come back, while still keeping their options open. Until about season 4, Alison’s story seemed like it could have gone either way.

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11 She bribed Cyrus

Where did she get the money for the plane ticket? Did she ask her parents or friends for it? Unlikely. Does she have a stash of money hidden somewhere? Possibly. Knowing Alison’s talent for hiding things and her self-preservation instincts it’s definitely possible.

However, it still doesn’t make much sense. Plane tickets are expensive so Alison would’ve needed to have a lot of money stashed away in order to bribe Cyrus. Is that really possible? It does seem somewhat unlikely that Alison could be that much ahead of everyone, outsmarting even the police for a little while. Yet Alison is an evil genius in Pretty Little Liars, and is wise beyond her years. So perhaps it’s not so strange after all. The writers most likely did not want fans thinking too much about this but it’s still worth questioning.

10 She is tried as an adult

Alison is not an adult, despite her maturity and intelligence. She is a teenager and in reality, she probably would not have gone to jail but instead to a juvenile facility of some kind. Most likely the writers made this decision to increase the drama. After all, being in jail is more dramatic than simply being in a juvenile facility. Luckily for Alison, this storyline doesn’t last forever. When her friends are taken by “A”, she is released from prison. She works with Toby, Ezra, and Caleb to get the girls back from “A” and succeeds.

This whole storyline is a bit over the top. First of all, why would people suddenly believe that Alison didn’t end Mona? Second of all, why would she get let out of prison without any proof of what she’s saying? Just because her friends were taken? Though she does have a police guard when released it still seems surprising that she’s released in the first place. Then again, this is Pretty Little Liars. Stranger things have happened.

9 Her relationship with Lorenzo

He doesn’t seem like her type at all. Why date him? Was it to improve her image? Or did she really like him? Was she just using him for his police connections? The world may never know. It’s hard to know what the writers were thinking with this one. Perhaps they were thinking that they’d turn the usual good girl bad boy trope on its head.

Or perhaps they were thinking that Alison just needed a love interest. Really, Pretty Little Liars writers. People can just be single, you know? Not everyone needs a relationship at all times. Perhaps that’s a lot to expect from writers of a teen drama, though. After all, relationship drama is their bread and butter. They love it.

8 Her relationship with “Elliot Rollins”

Again, why? He also doesn’t seem like her type. And how could someone as perceptive and intelligent as Alison is falling for his lies? Also, why would she fall in love with her sister’s doctor? Why would she get engaged and get married to him? None of it makes sense. This seems to be another case of the writers wanting to pair up Alison and cause drama.

Also, this definitely seems to be a case of dumbing down Alison to fit what the writers wanted for the plot. After all, Alison is a cynical person, understandably given what she’s been through, and doesn’t trust easily. Why would she trust this guy? Why wouldn’t she at least make sure he was who he seemed to be, given her past with “A” and everything? It doesn’t make sense.

7 becoming a teacher

If anyone would become a teacher, it’d be Aria, not Alison. Teaching doesn’t seem to be Alison’s kind of thing. Then again, what job would she do? “Master manipulator” isn’t exactly a job title. Neither is “professional blackmailer.” Perhaps if the writers really want to make Alison look good, she could’ve become a detective. After all, she’d been through in the past, she might not trust the police but the argument could be made that if she was a detective herself she could change things from the inside. She could use her investigative skills and her almost superhuman knowledge and perception for good instead of evil. It’s surprising that the writers didn’t think of this one. After all, it makes more sense than Alison teaching and still could’ve kept her in Rosewood if that’s what the writers wanted.

A possible reason why the writers did go this route is to keep Alison in Rosewood high school, instead of out of it. Though it still doesn’t make much sense. A former bully and queen bee becoming a teacher just doesn’t sound right. Though it’s better than making her a psychologist or something. Imagine. Don’t think she’d have the best personality for that profession.

6 Her transformation in season 6

Alison goes from manipulative evil genius to…goody-goody? This makes no sense.  Although the writers most likely meant for fans to think that Alison had grown a conscience, it still makes no sense for many fans. Gradual character development would have been the way to go. Not from manipulative ice queen to goody-goody with no buildup.

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There’s also the issue that this version of Alison is nowhere near as interesting as her previous personality. She becomes somewhat boring and this is definitely not the writer’s intention but she does. This development should have come gradually and in a way that made sense, not simply thrown on the audience all at once. She also should have retained some of her edge, conscience or no conscience.

5 the sudden desire for normalcy

Alison’s life has never really been normal. Which is why her sudden desire for normalcy makes no sense. Perhaps she’s just trying to fit in with her new goody-goody image? Or to fit in with “Elliot Rollins,” her husband? Neither of these things truly make sense, so it’s probably a case of the writers needing her to want to be normal for plot reasons.

This isn’t always the best way to develop characters, as is seen by how negatively Alison’s transformation was perceived by some fans.  True, there has been a bit of a time jump, and maybe Alison has grown to love her “normal” life. Yet the audience is left again wondering why this is happening.

4 the Liars not accepting her apology in season 6

Alison is not usually one to let things go. Usually, she’d hold some kind of a grudge or be somewhat upset if things didn’t go her way. That makes way more sense for her character than her just silently accepting the state of things. Yet that’s what happens in season 6. Again, this is probably a case of the writers manipulating Alison’s character for plot reasons, and it’s not exactly subtle.

As is mentioned before, Alison likes to get her own way and would usually ensure that she does. Yet suddenly she doesn’t care about that? Not buying it. The writers really should have thought before writing Alison’s character in this way, because it doesn’t really work for many fans.

3 the psychiatric hospital

True, she did think she was seeing people in the afterlife. Yet she’s been through more than that in the past with “A.” True, she probably wasn’t used to it anymore but Alison’s resilient. It’s unlikely that she’d fall apart about such things. Even Emily, who takes her to the hospital, asks if Alison is sure she wants to admit herself. Many fans probably want to ask the writers if they’re sure about this storyline. The reasons for it seem to be plot reasons again, which is not always the best for the characters.

The writers must have wanted to put Alison in a psychiatric hospital for some reason, perhaps for the whole “Elliot Rollins”/Archer Dunhill storyline. Still, Alison, control freak Alison, would likely not want to give others so much control over her life.

2 wanting the baby

Alison? Baby? Doesn’t seem to make sense. Especially given that “A” is pretty much behind her pregnancy, given that she’s pregnant through Emily’s eggs that “A” stole. The idea that Alison would just go along with anything “A” wanted her to do just doesn’t make a lot of sense. This might be another case of the writers making Alison fit into the plot.

They wanted to give Emily and Alison a happy ending so they made Alison pregnant with Emily’s babies in the only way that they could. Although it’s kind of sweet, it’s also gross that Alison pretty much had no say in her own pregnancy. If she had decided to get pregnant using Emily’s eggs and a donor, that would’ve been a lot more sweet and a lot less gross.

1 Her sudden proposal to Emily

Again, Emison fans, hold your fire. Though the scene and the sentiment is cute, it is kind of sudden. Especially since Alison’s previous spouse turned out to not be who he seemed to be. Of course, Emily and Alison have known each other a lot longer and Emily has always been there for Alison, yet the proposal still seems sudden.

Most likely, the writers wanted to give Emison a happy ending and this is how they did it. While many fans likely appreciate that, some fans might wonder if it’s too soon or if Alison needed more time before jumping into marriage. She doesn’t exactly seem to me like the marriage and children and white picket fence type.

Is there anything else that doesn’t make sense about Alison Dilaurentis from Pretty Little Liars? Let us know in the comments.

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