While Pretty Little Liars was full of friendship, mystery, fashion, romance, relatable struggles, families, and drama, the main conflict was brought about because of A; this was an anonymous person who knew everything about the main characters and who tormented them through creepy messages.

From texts and letters to writing on walls, windows and even the sky, A got the message across loud and clear, every single time. And even though these lines were always scary, mean and sinister, they were pretty memorable. That being said, here are A’s 10 best quotes of all time from the show PLL.

10 “I’m still here b****es, and I know everything. -A”

One of the most notable notes from A was sent via text to all four girls at the beginning of season 1; they were all brought back together for Ali’s funeral, and they had all been receiving ominous messages.

This one ended episode one, as the main characters read it aloud together, and got everyone super excited for what was to come: “I’m still here b****es, and I know everything. -A” 

9 “Buckle up, B****es. Nothing is as it seems.”

Also in season 1, A said, “Buckle up, B****es. Nothing is as it seems.” Boy, was that true. Just when a fan or a character thought there was a good clue, something else dramatic happened.

Deaths, comebacks from deaths, and other twists were very common in this story, and many episodes ended with a cliffhanger. But that is part of what made it so good!


8 “I’m taking you to her. Come alone.”

During the second season, the girls received dolls that looked like them, and that came with special messages for them. Several lookalike dolls were seen over the years since A played with these girls like toys. 

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Spencer’s said to “keep Toby safe.” Hanna’s told her to “stop the wedding,” and Aria’s came with the challenge to “make Jackie go away.” Emily’s came later, after a GPS adventure, and it said, “I’m taking you to her. Come alone.

7 “Dead girls can’t smile.”

As mentioned, A could be really creative when it came to communicating with the liars. One time, a message even came that was written on Alison’s teeth, which read, “Dead girls can’t smile.

Everything these characters went through was too much. Just imagine being in high school, losing a best friend, and then receiving teeth! Not cool. 

6 “You’re mine now. Kisses – A”

Even though A was the antagonist on this television series, people can surely agree that he/she/it did an amazing job; the goal was to scare these girls and let them know that their secrets weren’t safe. 

Therefore, A’s notes had threatening tones that were coated with sugar and spice, like this one from season 3: “You’re mine now. Kisses – A.” Who knew such a lovely word could sound so frightening? 

5 “The truth won’t set you free, b****es. I’m going to bury you with it. Kisses -A”

As the title suggests, this television series was centered around lies. Ali believed secrets kept friends close, and from the very beginning, these pals had to hide the truth for various reasons. 

That being said, here is another very fitting message from A: “The truth won’t set you free, b****es. I’m going to bury you with it. Kisses -A

4 “Merry Christmas, B****es- A”

Episodes focused on holidays always make for good TV, and in Rosewood, that was no exception. The Christmas episode in season 5 seemed too good to be true; everyone was together, everyone was in love, everyone was happy… and then A showed up. 

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In a very well-known scene, A wrote “Merry Christmas, B****es” on the barn, next to a decorated tree. It certainly ruined the mood of the special evening and the festive season, but it was the perfect ending for a show this thrilling. 

3 “Did you miss me, b****es?”

Also in the fifth season, A asked a question that Ali asked; she said it when she revealed herself to the girls… just minus a choice word: Did you miss me, b****es?

Just when fans and characters thought life was getting back to normal, this ominous and anonymous person would swoop in and ruin the day, without fail. So did they miss A? Absolutely not. But was the game over? Not even close.

2 “You know who did it and I’m going to make you talk. 👹”

More drama came the next season, as Uber A started sending notes. They were a bit different. They utilized emojis. They popped up on the screen so that viewers could see them better. But they were still as creepy as ever, if not more so. 

The first one from this new villain said, “You know who did it and I’m going to make you talk. 👹”, making it a stand-out line. 

1 “Endgame… B****es.”

And of course, there was the board game in the final season, which came with these words: “It’s playtime! A.D.” and “Endgame… B****es.

The entire story of A and the girls had been like a game, but then they had a literal one, with words straight from the horse’s mouth that this was the end of it all. 

NextThe 10 Best Episodes Of MCU TV Shows, According To IMDB

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