While Pretty Little Liars focused on a group of best friends (named Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields and Alison DiLaurentis), there were plenty of supporting characters who added to the excitement of this teen drama TV show.

There were family members. There were enemies. There were peers at school and in workplaces. And there were significant others, such as Toby Cavanaugh. He was a total catch and a total sweetie, but he had his flaws and weaknesses, of course, just like everyone else. In fact, the traits listed down below were his five best and five worst. 

10 Best: Authentic

In a story full of lie after lie, Toby was actually real and honest. He was one of the most authentic characters if not the most authentic of all! From his days of being an outsider on to his journey with Spencer and becoming a police officer, he was always open, kind and totally himself. 

9 Worst: Could Get Taken Advantage Of

Due to how genuine and nice he was, though, he could sometimes get taken advantage of, which is common for people with these personality types. He wasn’t one to make waves, so he let people believe and say what they wanted. He allowed Ali to bully him. 

At times, biting his tongue was for the best, but there were plenty of scenes that were very sad to watch, as not everyone treated Toby the way he treated them. 


8 Best: Strong

Physically, mentally and emotionally, Toby was a strong character. He endured a great deal of pain, from issues with his family and dealing with A to losing Yvonne. He remained calm and cool under pressure, saving the day time after time. And no one could forget that he was a talented craftsman who built the love of his life a custom rocking chair and an entire house!

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7 Worst: Cracked Under Pressure

Toby showed strength, but everyone has a limit; his generosity and solidness led to too much being piled onto him. There was his past with Jenna. There were the bumps in the road with Spencer. There was joining and fighting the A team. 

He had a lot of pressure, and his journey was not an easy one. Therefore, any moment that celebrated and appreciated this amazing character was a wonderful moment. 

6 Best: Caring

Not only was Toby genuine, but he was a total sweetie. He stood up for others. He always was lending a helping hand. He went out of his way to protect his loved ones. He made conversation, honestly curious and wanting to know people on a deeper level.

With all the drama and the secrets, it is safe to say he was one of the nicest and most caring characters on the show.

5 Worst: Didn’t Always Stand Up For Himself

Earlier, it was mentioned that he did not want to ruffle any feathers or disturb the peace, but that sometimes created more problems. While he was quick to defend other people, he didn’t always stand up for himself.

While this could be seen as a flaw, it was also very him; he was too nice to say anything!

4 Best: Confident

Every character on PLL grew and changed over the years, but just look back at Toby in Season 1. He was this dark and brooding character. He only talked to Jenna. He was an outcast and considered to be strange if not dangerous.

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By the end of the show, he was a cop, a husband, a best friend and a stand-up community member in Rosewood. He always had that adorable smile on his face, and he enjoyed assisting in any way he could. 

3 Worst: Struggled To Break Free From Pain

That confidence did not develop overnight, and it was a shame that he had so many struggles throughout the series. Yes, before Toby became the Toby everyone knew and loved, he was an entirely different person. He had weaknesses and struggles. And he experienced a great deal of pain. 

While every character on PLL had their fair share of struggles, Toby’s backstory and upbringing was particularly sad.

2 Best: Brave

Another word to describe this character would be brave. There were so many times when he did not show fear, when he faced danger head on and went he went the extra mile, all in order to serve and protect. 

It was very clear that he adored Spencer, but he also would have done anything to save his friends, her friends, his family, community members and strangers. 

1 Worst: Reckless

That bravery definitely led to dangerous situations, though. When there was trouble, he just jumped, sometimes without thinking or looking. He simply wanted to do the right thing, but that meant his life was put on the line way too many times.

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