Akasha is a somewhat difficult killer to win with in Propnight. A lot of Akasha’s abilities are speed-based, so she can get around the map quickly. However,  compared to other killers in Propnight, she’s hindered when it comes to attacking or sneaking because her skills all require her to be in close proximity to the survivors. Players can use a combination of Akasha’s four abilities to quickly catch up to or track down survivors in Propnight.

During a match, the killer will need to find, capture, and eliminate survivors by damaging them and locking them in a Hypnochair. Akasha’s skills will allow the player to move quickly and deal area damage to potentially make multiple survivors go down at once. Having area damage can also help to make it more difficult for teammates to save each other. Using Akasha’s abilities, players can capture survivors a little quicker than some of the other killers.


Akasha is a vampire-like killer in Propnight with blade and speed abilities. She can capture survivors quickly, which makes players reach elimination quicker. Although teammates can save other survivors in Propnight, they can only be captured twice before the next Hypnochair automatically eliminates them. Players looking to master Akasha’s skills will need to combine them and move strategically around the map in order to win the match.

Using Speed and Area Attacks as Akasha in Propnight

Every killer in Propnight has the Hunt ability, which allows them to gradually increase their speed as they’re chasing a survivor. If the chase is interrupted, then the speed increase is reset, so players should try to catch the survivor in one continuous chase. Akasha also has other speed-based abilities like Shadow. Shadow is similar to Hunt, but Akasha doesn’t need to be chasing a survivor. Instead, Akasha will take her shadow form and become faster, but she loses her ability to attack as long as Shadow is active.

Blade Dance is Akasha’s attack move. With this skill, players can quickly dash forward and deal damage to all survivors nearby. Blade Dance can work well if the survivors are grouped together or if multiple people are working on repairing a Prop Machine. Players can use Blade Dance together with Blood Eye, which will track the survivors’ movements. Blood Eye can be used to identify a group of survivors that can then be attacked using Blade Dance.

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The best way to use Akasha is to track survivors, then move in on them quickly to take them out. Using Blood Eye to identify them, then Shadow to catch up, and Blade Dance to attack will help players eliminate all four survivors and win as the killer. Players can also use Hunt if any survivors try to escape Akasha. Propnight includes multiple killer types such as Akasha, who can move swiftly through each area to find and eliminate survivors.

Propnight is available on PC.

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