Warning: contains a preview of Radiant Black #10! 

A special new issue of Radiant Black is upcoming and comic fans will want to check it out as it’s a sight to behold. Radiant Black #10 has a blacklight edition and it is every bit as crazy as would be expected. This comic is taking the blend of storytelling and art to a new plane.

Radiant Black from Image Comics is initially the story of Nathan Burnett, who discovers a cosmic power that grants him the use of a special power suit. However, things don’t really go as he planned and the beings behind the cosmic force want it back. This story from Image Comics has shifted focus to Nathan’s friend Marshall, who is in a very similar position. This comic is a new take on the superhero genre, but now, its latest issue is also providing a new take on comic book art.


Radiant Black #10 comes from the creative team of Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Becca Carey, and – especially for this issue – Igor Monti. The issue has a “Radiant Black Light Edition,” which Image Comics says will not be reprinted. The issue has been recolored by Igor Monti with blacklight-reactive fluorescent inks, which means that this Image Comic issue will literally glow and give readers a new experience when placed under a black light. Comicon has shared an extended preview of the issue. Check it out here:

Kyle Higgins, the writer of the series, says:

There’ve been a number of blacklight covers over the years, but very few entire issues made with fluorescent inks. The story in Radiant Black #10 finds Marshall trapped in Existence, one of the existentially weirdest domains you’ve ever seen. Marcelo, Igor, Becca and I wanted this issue to be heavily experiential, to take readers on the same overwhelming journey as Marshall. The blacklight edition is the ultimate way to experience Existence.

This issue of Radiant Black is promising to take readers on a whole new kind of journey. The realm of Existence does not lie within the normal plane of reality, so the issue will allow readers to see a new plane beyond the one on the page seen via a normal read-through thanks to color transformation. Reading through without a blacklight will appear one way, while reading with one will be rather different, as seen in this Tweet from Black Market Narrative:

Nonetheless, with or without blacklight, the art in this issue is incredible. Marshall is seen falling through the page and the colors successfully depict the world of this Image Comic masterfully. It is certainly a modern and beautiful presentation that doesn’t disappoint, regardless of how it is experienced. However, using a blacklight will likely provide an experience that many comic fans have not had before. Radiant Black and Image Comics are undeniably pushing the envelope on artistic storytelling. Fans can experience Existence when the Radiant Black #10 Blacklight Edition releases November 24.

Source: Comicon

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