The superheroic world of Radiant Black is expanding even further with the upcoming Image Comics title Radiant Red. The spin-off series stars a former foe of Radiant Black’s who is struggling to balance her life as a criminal-turned-superhero. The Radiant Black universe is inspired by the likes of Power Rangers and Ultraman, which is pretty fitting considering the creators, writer Kyle Higgins and artist Marcelo Costa, both worked on their comic book adaptations.

Radiant Black has been praised for its portrayal of a millennial superhero who reflects his generation. It begins with Nathan, who gains telekinetic powers and a superpowered suit that responds to his mental commands after he touches an odd void. Radiant Red is a similarly styled character who has been going around robbing banks and ends up hurting Nathan so badly that the suit has to be given to his friend Marshall. Red’s identity is revealed as Satomi Sone in Radiant Black #6, which was written by Cherish Chen and illustrated by David Lafuente and Miquel Muerto.


As revealed by Gizmodo, Radiant Red is a five-issue miniseries taking place in the world of Radiant Black. From the Radiant Black creative team of Chen, Lafuente, and Muerto, the spin-off takes place when Satomi Sone finds herself struggling between her former criminal life and her current superheroic one. She’s a middle school teacher dealing with a stranger in her class and a prying reporter while hiding $2.5 million in her house. The first issue has a main cover by Lafuente and Muerto as well as a variant by TK and a blank cover. Check out preview images for the first issue below:

The three exclusive preview pages shared by Gizmodo showcase Sone’s criminal side, which suggests readers will be getting an in-depth look at Sone’s transition from struggling criminal to struggling hero. As Radiant Black co-creator Kyle Higgins puts it, “The last time we saw Satomi in Radiant Black, she and Marshall had finally buried the hatchet—but that doesn’t mean all her problems have gone away… As her life gets more and more complicated, we’re delighted to have Cherish, David, and Miquel back together to continue what we started in Radiant Black—and Satomi’s story is just getting started.” 

At this point in time, Radiant Black is up to issue #11 and doesn’t look to be stopping anytime soon, along with the variety of spin-offs and the upcoming Supermassive crossover, which includes Inferno Girl Red, Radiant Black and Rogue Sun. Radiant Black appears to quickly be growing into a mini-franchise at Image, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see miniseries like Radiant Red expanding into full-blown series if they’re received well enough by readers. Time will tell if Satomi’s struggle connects with readers in her own miniseries when the first issue of Radiant Redhits comic book stores on March 16, 2022.

Source: Gizmodo

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