Caution: Minor Spoilers Ahead for Raised by Wolves season 2, episode 1.

Raised by Wolves season 2 finds Marcus, played by Travis Fimmel, affected by some kind of affliction that causes his face to fluctuate with what appears to be veins or lesions under the skin. The veins first appeared at the tail end of Raised by Wolves season 1, just after he is fed one of the Necromancer’s eyes after being beaten by his acolytes. Since that time, Marcus has continued a descent into either madness or enlightenment, depending on the perspective of the viewer, which has also affected his face.

Marcus was born Caleb on Earth, an Atheist soldier who altered his face to look like a Mithraic man, thereby securing a spot on The Ark of Heaven, which brought him to Kepler-22b, in order to reestablish humanity after Earth was left ravaged by war. While in transit to the new planet, Marcus finds that the man he stole his identity from had a son, Paul, who is also aboard the Ark. Marcus and his wife, Sue (who stole the identity of a Mithraic woman) bond with Paul and attempt to recapture him when he’s taken by Mother upon their arrival to Kepler-22b. It’s at this time that Marcus begins to hear voices that he believes to be that of the Mithraic god, Sol, suddenly believing himself to be their prophet. For a while, the remaining Mithraic follow Marcus, believing the same, but they eventually come to doubt him.


With their loss of faith in Marcus as the prophet of Sol, the Mithraic attack him and force-feed him at least one of the Necromancer’s eyes, which he carried in a pouch around his neck. It’s at this point that the strange lines appear on Marcus’ face, looking like protruding veins under the skin. After ingesting the eye, Marcus has a series of hallucinations, before once again feeling the presence of Sol. The question, however, is what could be causing the facial deformities, which could be attributed to a number of things. The most likely answer is that the physiological effects of swallowing a Necromancer eye have disrupted his own physical make-up, causing the affliction. However, it’s also possible that he has been infected by a virus of some sort, which could be related directly to the planet, as it has had radiation-style effects on Mother’s early children. The least likely reason is that it has something to do with Sol directly, which would mean that some sort of spiritual transformation is actually taking place.

Ingesting android technology, specifically Necromancer eyes, which are the source of their combat power, is most likely what is affecting Marcus’s physical appearance. As Marcus is human, there must be some type of reaction to swallowing something foreign to his body, especially if it’s akin to a weapon. It’s unknown exactly how a Necromancer’s eyes work or what they’re made of, but the fact that when used they physically transform the Necromancer themselves, it’s most likely a similar effect that’s afflicting Marcus, who begins to show superhuman strength and ability as Raised by Wolves season 2 progresses. What the final outcome will be is yet to be revealed, but the Necromancer eye has undoubtedly had an effect on Marcus.

The potential for Marcus’s facial affliction being from a virus is unlikely, but there are a number of things on Kepler-22b that have yet to be explored or understood that could certainly cause something akin to what he’s experiencing. The radiation pits, as well as the planet’s overall harsh and unknown environment could absolutely be a cause of Marcus’s facial affliction as well, although no other character has experienced anything similar as of yet. This makes it difficult to say with any certainty that the planet or its environmental factors are causing the issue. The same could be said of a virus or sickness, as that’s entirely possible given how much is unknown about Kepler-22b, but there’s simply not enough information about such things to make a valid diagnosis as the reason for Marcus’ affliction.

Finally, the potential for Marcus’s face being deformed could be attributed to the sun god, Sol. However, this is the most unlikely scenario, as there’s no basis to suggest that him being the prophet of Sol would cause such a thing. Ultimately, the most likely reason for Marcus’s affliction is due to ingesting Necromancer eyes, as it’s the most plausible reason for his body to react in such a way. However, it’s also possible that other factors, be it the planet, the environment, a virus, or Sol himself, could also be a factor. As Raised by Wolves season 2 progresses more answers will likely be revealed as to Marcus’s fate and what has caused him to change so drastically, be it mentally, physically, or spiritually.

New episodes of Raised by Wolves stream Thursdays on HBO Max.

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