Nickelodeon cartoon Rugrats remains a popular show to this day. Following the adventures of young children, the cartoon featured the spoiled Angelica, her adventurous cousin Tommy, and the worrywart Chuckie, among others. Some of the kids were smarter than others; Susie was great a fixing toys, Angelica was a master manipulator, and Tommy a brave and natural leader.

Elsewhere, Phil and Lil were both friendly and good explorers, but their choices in food could use a little work. While each character is lovable, they don’t all match when it comes to their skills.

8 Dil

Dil was the youngest of the group in Rugrats; naturally, he couldn’t communicate with the other babies or adults in the same way as the other kids could. Because of his age, pretty much everything had to be done for him, and Dil would wail until he got what he wanted. This does come off as selfish from time to time, as Dil wanted what he wanted immediately and wasn’t satisfied until he had it, but granted, he was a baby. Tommy and the other babies love him dearly, even if Dil does annoy them from time to time.

7 Phil

Phil is very similar to his twin sister. He loves getting into mud, playing with creepy critters, and going on plenty of adventures with the Rugrats gang. He’s brave and witty, and he would do anything for his buddies. While he and his sister argue often, they still love and are there for one another, their bond as twins strong and unbreakable.

However, despite his loyalty and his wit, Phil’s hygiene and judgment could use some work. Like Lil, he eats questionable things, and he carries around all kinds of nasty things in his diaper, which in the first place is not supposed to be meant for storing anything.


6 Lil

Lil is a good friend to the group; like Tommy, she’s always ready to explore and she’s loyal. Like her brother Phil, she enjoys all kinds of gross things, like eating worms. She’s not afraid to get dirty. For instance, when she and Phil were showing Kimi how to make a mud pie, they gathered all kinds of ingredients, including ants, worms, and mud, to make their pie.

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Lil grabbed a snail, not knowing what it was, and had no qualms about tossing it into the pie with Phil’s encouragement. It’s moments like this where audiences question her judgment. Based on the things Lil consumes that she obviously shouldn’t, it’s clear that she had more to learn.

5 Kimi

Unlike her stepbrother Chuckie, Kimi is afraid of absolutely nothing. She dives into any escapade headfirst. While her spontaneity and adventurous nature is similar to Tommy’s, she fails to think things through first. She tends to throw caution to the wind, which isn’t always the best move. Kimi is kind and gets along well with everyone, despite having been added to the group later once her mother marries Chuckie’s father, and develops a strong bond with Chuckie, too. Kimi’s kindness and love for capers allows her to fit in well, but she needs to learn to balance that with at least a little attentiveness.

4 Chuckie

Chuckie worries about everyone and everything. He has to be exhausted with all the worst-case scenario situations he frequently comes up with. Chuckie’s anxiety can get a little overboard from time to time, but it comes from a good place, as Chuckie cares about his friends and wants to protect them, especially when they’re out on an adventure. While Chuckie’s fears can be a little over the top, he does summon up courage when he needs it most, especially if his friends need his help.

3 Angelica

Angelica is manipulative and good at getting what she wants, especially from her parents. She’s the spoiled brat of the babies, but her schemes tend to backfire on her, and she winds up caught and punished. She’s a bully to her younger cousins and their friends, and manipulates them often.

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Angelica doesn’t really learn from her lessons; she’ll blame anyone else for something she did wrong if given the chance, and she’ll fight tooth and nail to defend herself even if it’s plainly obvious that she’s the culprit. She may be good at working out schemes and getting what she wants, but she has a hard time seeing those schemes all the way through to where she’d get away scot-free.

2 Tommy

Tommy tends to assume the role of leader in the adventures he and his fellow Rugrats take on. He always demonstrates bravery and compassion, and unlike his cousin Angelica, he encourages others instead of putting them down. Tommy’s always up for solving a mystery, and loves learning about the world and his surroundings, hence his many excursions with his friends. Tommy’s enjoyment of discovery and his loyalty to his friends make him a lovable character, but his genuine curiosity and the initiative he takes to answer his questions about the world make him intelligent as well.

1 Susie

Susie was often a pain to Angelica, because she would call out Angelica on all her schemes and manipulations. She treated the babies with kindness, which made her a good friend of theirs. She was a joy to have around given her optimistic outlook on the world and cheery mood. Susie is very smart and wise for her age; she does have her moments, but Susie’s a good kid overall. She learned how to fix toys quickly, and she encouraged Chuckie to conquer his fear of slides. Susie’s intelligent in more ways than one!

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