With 21 seasons under its belt, Big Brother has established itself as one of the most iconic reality TV shows of all time. The game is known for its tag-line of “expect the unexpected,” which is always delivered upon, season after season. In fact, the show has been known to introduce at least one massive twist every single season that can change everything. Today we’ll be going over five of the best twists to ever impact the game, along with five of the worst. Let’s jump right into it.

10 Best: Season Six’s Duo Twist

9 Worst: Season 21’s Not Duo Twist

Why only introduce a few players who knew each other? It seems like a bit of an unfair advantage. Once again, this is certainly one of the smallest issues that is currently going on with this season, but still worth a mention.


8 Best: America’s Player

7 Worst: Season 15’s MVP

6 Best: Jury Sequestering

5 Worst: Battle Of The Block

4 Best: Battle Back Twists

These Battle Backs give an evicted player a shot to re-enter the game. This has a chance to totally flip the house upside-down and cause a shift in power, which is why it is always a welcomed twist.

3 Worst: First Week Power

2 Best: Season 21’s Camp Comeback

1 Worst: Returning Players

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