Although Red Dead Redemption 2’s anti-hero Arthur Morgan may seem like he has no one to answer to, for a brief amount of time Arthur had a son that he cared for. However, the tragic story of what happened to his child, and his son’s mother, explains why Arthur only talks about his previous family once in the entirety of the game.

For much of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan acts as a father figure to John and Abigail Marston’s son Jack. Playing as Morgan, gamers have to take the boy on a series of bonding activities, including horseback riding and going fishing. While this may seem like a ploy to increase the player’s emotional attachment to Jack, considering the boy is kidnapped by the Braithwaites shortly after, its inclusion may also be hinting at Arthur’s own tragic backstory, and the fact that he never got a chance to be a real father to his son.


It’s clear that losing his son was one of the most heartbreaking parts of Arthur’s life. The story of his son explains a lot about Red Dead Redemption 2’s main character, including why Arthur only dived deeper into the lifestyle of an outlaw closer to the end of his life. It also explains why the cowboy could appear so cold and distant at times but still have a hint of humanity that encourages him to do the right thing, especially when women and children are involved.

What Happened To Arthur’s Family Before RDR2

Arthur goes into detail about his son and his son’s mother during a conversation with Rains Falls in Red Dead Redemption 2’s Chapter Six. The horse ride where the conversation occurs is entirely optional, and if players choose to skip the scene then they miss the entire story about Arthur’s family. During the ride, however, Arthur gets uncharacteristically sentimental about his past when Rains Falls begins pressing him for more information.

The outlaw reveals he had a son at one point before the events of RDR2, a boy named Isaac. He conceived the child with a waitress, Eliza, though it never appears she and Arthur had an official relationship. Rather than abandoning Eliza and their baby, Arthur explained he would periodically come to visit the child and mother. He told Rains Falls that he would stop by their home every few months, and even stay for a couple days at a time. He would also help financially support Eliza and Isaac whenever he could. Arthur also adds that Eliza was aware of his lifestyle, so it’s assumed she knew he was an outlaw with a significant bounty on his head.

Unfortunately, however, Arthur reveals that tragedy struck when his son was only 10-years old. He returned to Eliza and Isaac’s home to visit them, but Arthur was horrified to realize they had both been killed in a robbery-gone-wrong. He told Rains Falls he knew something was amiss before even going into the home, as he saw two crosses posted outside. Arthur revealed he later learned they had been killed over 10 dollars. It remains unclear what fully happened to Eliza or Isaac, or if Arthur ever took revenge out on the people who killed them (or even cared to find out the killers’ identities). Given the way Arthur recounted the story to his ally, it’s clear the outlaw never properly mourned or recovered from his loss.

It may be surprising for some fans to learn that Red Dead Redemption 2’s Arthur Morgan had a son before the game began, but it’s both true and truly one of the saddest moments of the entire game.

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