As a game about cowboys and outlaws, it only seems natural that Red Dead Redemption 2 lets players pass the time by playing poker. The minigame itself is simple and not too flashy, but the player really has to think if they want to turn a profit. Someone who learns the ropes can find a reliable source of money, while simply charging in will probably leave Arthur’s wallet a good bit lighter by the end.

Poker is a returning element from the original RDR, and while the minigame itself is still largely the same, a few differences are present. The biggest advantage for a player would be a pre-existing knowledge of poker, but newer card players can pick up on the game as well. Just like hunting for perfect pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2, poker is a matter of practicing and learning the rules. Poker’s rules can seem a little obtuse at first, but playing a few hands should help players to get a handle on how the game works.


Playing Poker well can give Arthur some extra pocket money. It may not be the most lucrative activity in the game, but it can be a fun and profitable diversion from the main story when the player wants to give Arthur some leisure time. In addition, a few of the game’s Gambler challenges, including the first one, require Arthur to play poker, so it is useful for that reason as well. By remembering a few tricks, Arthur can be one of the most skilled card sharks in the west.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Learning The Game And The Hands

RDR 2 is a very realistically detailed game, and that also shows in its poker mechanic, which is quite faithful to real-world Texan Hold ‘Em. In poker, every player is dealt two cards, and three cards will be added to the center of the table. These center cards are known as community cards, and every player can use them in conjunction with their own two cards to create their hand at the end of the round. After the first round of betting, another community card will be added, and following another round of bets, a fifth will be added. Once the fifth and final community card is on the table, there is one more round of bets before the players reveal their hands. Whoever has the best hand wins all of the money that has been bet on that hand.

The rewards for a hand of poker are not as big as Red Dead Online‘s gold bars, but learning how to win is still important. The winning hands in order are a pair of any similar card, two pairs, three of a kind, a straight (five cards in order, such as 2-3-4-5-6), a flush (5 cards of the same suit), full house (three of a kind and a pair of another), four of a kind, straight flush (a straight and flush combined), and finally a royal flush (a 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of the same suit). If a player has no winning hand, then they must rely on their highest card. If a player has no winning hand, then their best option would be to fold as they have no chance of winning unless every player failed to draw a winning hand, which is very unlikely.

Just like patience when catching fish in RDR 2, keeping track of the cards is key to success in poker. The game will inform the player of what their current hand is, so that information should be used to advise them to make smart decisions. If there’s only one community card left and the player still has nothing, then it’s probably best to cut their losses and wait for the next hand for a chance to win.

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Red Dead Redemption 2:  How To Play, And When To Bet

Of course, one’s own hand should be the biggest indicator on when it would be wise to bet. If playing with a bad hand, such as no pairs or one pair, then it would be wise to keep one’s own bids low. If someone starts raising the pot significantly, then that is the best sign for a player with a poor hand to bow out.  Like trying to storm RDO’s gang hideouts, it’s better to know when to run rather than suffer a major loss. Likewise, if one opens with a good hand and some very promising community cards, betting aggressively could pay off. Opponents may even fold early, giving the player an automatic win if they all do so. In case of a spectacularly good hand, such as a four of a kind of better, the player should feel confident making large bets, since they’re likely to pay off excellently. Especially in case of a royal flush, which is essentially an instant victory.

Likewise, keep a very close eye on how the other players are playing. If no one is making any moves to raise the pot, then there is a good chance that nobody drew a very good hand, and they’re willing to keep the stakes low to minimize their losses. It’s similar to knowing when to repair one’s weapons and when it’s better to save the gun oil for later. Generally, if the first person to raise the pot did so by a small amount, then they may have a high pair or two pairs. However, a large raise probably indicates a very good hand, and the player should only continue if they have cards that they feel very confident in.

There is one mechanic from Red Dead Redemption‘s poker minigame that didn’t make it into the sequel, and that is cheating. In the first RDR the player could cheat while wearing the Elegant Suit, but that option is no longer available. The most illegal thing Arthur can do is get up from the table and shoot his opponents, and that will get him nothing but a bounty on his head.

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Where And When To Play Poker in Red Dead Redemption 2

There are several areas in the game where the player can play poker, usually located in towns. There are games to join in Valentine, Tumbleweed, Saint Denis, Blackwater, and Flatneck Station. However, due to Arthur having a permanent dead or alive bounty in Blackwater, the player will likely have to wait until the epilogue to play there as John. There will occasionally be games at the Van Der Lindes’ campsite that Arthur can join as well. The games at Valentine, Tumbleweed, and Flatneck station cost $2.50 to join, while the games in Saint Denis and Blackwater cost $5.00.

The player will likely be introduced to poker through the mission “Who Is Not Without Sin”, where Arthur takes an intoxicated Reverend Swanson’s place at a poker table for the first part of the mission. While not especially meaningful like Dutch’s early foreshadowing of his own downfall, it’s a good way to be introduced to the minigame, and the player can play for as long as they want. This is also a good opportunity to finish the first Gambler challenge for winning 5 hands of poker. There is another mission later in the game, “A Fine Night of Debauchery”, that also requires the player to play poker, albeit this time with Strauss helping to rig the game in Arthur’s favor. Technically, that makes it the only time in the game where the player is allowed to cheat.

There are some restrictions on when the player can play poker. If the location of the game is closed, then it will be unavailable. A good rule of thumb to remember would be that during late night and early morning, poker games will not be available, like the game’s businesses. Even after beating RDR 2, poker remains a solid source of entertainment, so knowing when to play is a good thing to remember.

Although it is not as lucrative or widely available as hunting, poker is a great source of fun and money in Red Dead Redemption 2. By playing smart, the player can come closer to being able to buy everything that they need for Arthur. If a player’s looking to become the ultimate cowboy in Red Dead Redemption 2, then sooner or later they’ll have to take a seat at a poker table.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia.

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