Not many of the Van der Lindes got a happy ending in Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur infamously dies no matter how players play the game, and John meets an untimely end in the original Red Dead Redemption. Similarly, many other Van Der Linde gang members died before their time or were met with some sort of unfortunate luck once the gang disbanded.

With that being said, however, not all of the gang members ended up worse for wear after the group broke apart. Mary-Beth Gaskill is one of them. She originally joined the gang after getting caught attempting to pickpocket unassuming men. Mary-Beth was being harassed by one of the men she targeted before the Van der Lindes stepped in to protect her, making her a de facto member.


Mary-Beth proved herself useful on several occasions in Red Dead Redemption 2. She initially helps find a lead for a big train robbery, and then she later helps rob a stagecoach by distracting the men driving, allowing Arthur and Sean to do their business. She eventually leaves the gang alongside several other members when Dutch’s erratic behavior begins clearly getting in the way of his judgement.

What Mary-Beth Was Doing In RDR2’s Epilogue

It turns out that Mary-Beth made the right move leaving the gang when she did, because she found success in a completely different career. During Red Dead Redemption 2’s epilogue, when players assume the role of John Marston, the outlaw can run into Mary-Beth at a train station in Valentine.

During the encounter, Mary-Beth reveals she’s begun writing under a pseudonym Leslie DuPont. “I write now. Silly romances, but it’s fun,” she tells John, saying she works on romance novels. She admits that she dislikes her writing, calling it “unambiguously awful,” but says that “they sell” nonetheless. Mary-Beth adds that she misses her time with the gang, to which John responds by revealing how Arthur saved his family’s life before his death. He also adds that Dutch ran off somewhere, which Mary-Beth calls “a shame.” She leaves John with a copy of one of her books before hopping on her train, as it leaves the station. The title is “The Lady of the Manor.”

Mary-Beth isn’t the only female member of the gang to receive a positive ending. Tilly Jackson, who also runs into John during the epilogue, reveals she went on to marry a man from the city and start a family. In a letter she later writes to John, she mentions that she and Mary-Beth are still close, despite the gang having gone their separate ways years earlier. Even though many of the Red Dead Redemption 2 characters never saw a happy ending, at least Mary-Beth and Tilly ended up on good terms.

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