The Red Dead Redemption franchise is already home to two of gaming’s greatest protagonists, featuring both John Marston in the original title and Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2. Following in the footsteps of those two characters may be difficult in future Red Dead Redemption games, but luckily for Rockstar they have plenty of options going forward. Outside of adding totally new character to the franchise, there are plenty of memorable side characters in Red Dead Redemption 2 with enough personality to make a great game around. Perhaps the most interesting of these characters is Charles Smith, who would be the perfect candidate for a Red Dead Redemption spin-off game.


The player’s first real opportunity to get to know Charles Smith in Red Dead Redemption 2 comes during some of the initial hunting tutorials, where Charles is providing Arthur with some tips. Compared to some of the louder personalities in the gang, such as Micah Bell, Bill Williamson, and even Dutch Van der Linde himself, Charles is clearly more level0headed and a reliable member of the group. As the game’s storyline continues on Charles’ value becomes even more clear, such as when he (and Sadie) manage to keep the group safe in Lakay during Chapter 5.

Over the course of Red Dead Redemption 2 players learn more about Charles’ history, with a focus on his Native American ancestry and his early life living with his mother’s tribe. Smith’s background is what leads to his direct involvement in the gang’s missions to help the Wapiti people, and explains why he chooses to remain with the tribe for most of Chapter 6. After he returns to help John Marston and Sadie Adler in Red Dead Redemption 2’s epilogue, it is possible he follows up on his idea to move to Canada.

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What A Charles Smith-Focused Red Dead Redemption Could Look Like

There are a number of options for a Red Dead Redemption game starring Charles Smith, but the most likely would involve him continuing to aid indigenous North Americans. If the game were to take place in the time between the end of Chapter 6 and the start of the epilogue, it could center around the Wapiti (and his time as a prizefighter in Saint Denis). If Rockstar wanted to change up the classic Red Dead Redemption setting, the game could instead follow his initial foray into Canada, and could even focus more on the hunting and survival aspects of the world. Considering Smith’s intention to start a family and live a “normal” life, it likely wouldn’t feature outlaws and gunslingers to the same extent.

Although Smith has all the makings of a great protagonist, he is not the only Red Dead Redemption 2 character with a strong argument for a spin-off. Sadie Adler’s transformation into one of the gang’s best gunslingers is one of the more enjoyable arcs in all of RDR2, and having the opportunity to play through her own storyline would welcomes by many devoted Red Dead Redemption fans. Although it is unclear exactly what happens to Sadie after the events of Red Dead Redemption 2, her intention of moving to South America would also allow for a unique new setting.

Although neither Charles nor Sadie are the most obvious picks to lead a new Red Dead Redemption game, both have the personalities and storylines to justify their own spin-off title. As far as a direct sequel to the first two titles goes, many fans may be eager to play through an entire storyline with Jack Marston, John’s son.

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