Warning: The following contains spoilers for Record of Ragnarok season 1. 

Netflix’s Record of Ragnarok season 1 concluded with a shred of hope for humanity as they scored their first point in the battle of Ragnarok. Record of Ragnarok season 1 is packed with the very best humanity and the divine have to offer with the fate of humanity lying in the balance. Here’s a breakdown of Record of Ragnarok’s season 1 ending and what it means for the future of the series.

In Record of Ragnarok, the future of humanity lies in the hands of a pantheon of deities from around the world. Every 1000 years, the gods decide whether humanity deserves to live, or if they are irredeemable. When the gods vote to end humanity, the Valkyries step in with a proposition; the battle of Ragnarok, where humanity would fight for its right to live. In 13 bouts, the best of humanity would fight the strongest gods. If the humans win seven rounds before the gods, they’ve won the right to live for another 1000 years; if the gods win, humanity will meet its end.


So far, Record of Ragnarok has seen three rounds; Lu Bu vs. Thor, Adam vs. Zeus, and Kojiro Sasaki vs. Poseidon. Though both humans put up a strong fight, Lu Bu and Adam eventually succumbed to their divine counterparts, leaving humanity behind 0-2. The final episode of Record of Ragnarok season 1 saw humanity finally claim a victory, as history’s greatest loser, Kojiro Sasaki, cleaved the god of the sea into fish food.

How Kojiro Sasaki Was Able To Defeat Poseidon

Kojiro Sasaki’s true strength comes from his losses; with every fight Kojiro lost, he devoted himself to studying his opponent and learning something new. It is the combination of everything he has learned — it is a lifetime of losses that allowed him to become the strongest version of himself. Because of his dedication to learning from his losses, Kojiro has the ability to run through thousands of fights in his head at once, predicting the outcome of every possible move. Poseidon is Kojiro’s foil in this way; he has no losses to learn from, and he goes into the battle believing there is no way he could possibly lose. This cocky attitude would end up being his downfall. Kojiro is skilled in adapting and learning from his enemies; Poseidon is used to blunt force being enough to win him a fight, so he lacks the ability to adapt that Kojiro has developed over his lifetime of training. He severely underestimates the greatest loser’s chances at winning, and while Poseidon is easily one of the strongest gods in the pantheon, Kojiro carries the strength and knowledge of hundreds of competitors with him.

The Meaning Behind Kojiro Sasaki’s Victory Explained

Each human representative has brought their own human attribute to their battle; Lu Bu displayed strength and pure joy, Adam showed true love and devotion for his descendants, and Kojiro Sasaki is a lesson in humility and growth. Without facing loss after loss, Kojiro never would have been able to grow. He didn’t take any opportunity for granted, and he was honored to carry everything he learned from his opponents into battle. Kojiro’s victory was also one of hope and retribution. He was the first human to defeat a god in Ragnarok, proving that the gods aren’t indestructible and that humanity, in fact, does stand a chance of winning. His Valkyrie companion, Hrist, was also the first Valkyrie to survive the Ragnarok so far. The victory is also retribution for the real-life Kojiro Sasaki, one of the greatest swordsman in history. Kojiro died at the hands of his rival, Miyamoto Musashi, during a duel where many suspected Miyamoto cheated. Record of Ragnarok gives Kojiro Sasaki the recognition — and the victory — he deserved more than 400 years after his death.

Why Was Brunhilde Talking To Hermes?

Brunhilde and Hermes are on opposing teams — Brunhilde and the Valkyrie are fighting for humanity’s right to live, while Hermes and his fellow gods are fighting to put an end to humanity for once and for all. So, why were the two caught whispering in the hallway? The most likely explanation is that Hermes is attempting to barter for his own safety. Hermes has pulled some sneaky business behind his family’s back before in the rivalry between Adamas and Poseidon, so it wouldn’t be surprising to know the sly god is assuring his own survival. The gods have made multiple substitutions and changes to the roster — Shiva has been replaced twice so far in Record of Ragnarok — and knowing these changes ahead of time would be extremely valuable to Brunhilde; they might just be worth enough for her to make a deal with Hermes. With Brunhilde painstakingly putting together a fighting roster at the cost of her sisters’ lives, it’s most likely that Hermes was secretly providing Brunhilde with the gods’ fighting roster in exchange for his assured survival. Brunhilde is just as devoted to her hatred of the gods as she is to her love for her sisters, making her betrayal unlikely.

How Record Of Ragnarok’s Season 1 Ending Sets Up Season 2 & Beyond

The end of episode 12, “And Ragnarok Goes On,” sets up the fourth battle of Ragnarok. On the side of humanity stands the most prolific killer in history; Jack the Ripper. The arena has been transformed into a perfect replica of Victorian London, his old stomping grounds. On the side of the gods stands Heracles, the Greek demigod. After the surprising death of Poseidon, the Greek gods are desperate for revenge for their fallen family member. This hunt for revenge means that the Greeks — and Heracles — are especially dangerous in their desire for blood. The tide has currently shifted in favor of humanity, so the pressure rests on Jack the Ripper to tie the Ragnarok in the favor of the humans. If the second season of Record of Ragnarok follows the same formula as the first, there will be two more fights after Jack the Ripper and Heracles. The manga has already set up these two fights. The fifth round features Raiden Tameemon, the greatest sumo wrestler of all time, versus Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction. The sixth round — which is currently ongoing in the manga — is between Buddha, the father of Buddhism, and Zerofuku, the Shinto god of misfortune. At the end of Record of Ragnarok season 1, the humans have begun to have hope after two rounds of losses in a row. The score is 1-2 in favor of the gods, but Kojiro’s impossible victory sets Record of Ragnarok season 2 to begin on the high hopes for humanity’s victory.

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