The map in Red Dead Redemption Online is enormous by any standard. This space is made larger by the fact that most travel is limited to horseback. Authenticity is extremely important to this title and as such, players are tasked with manually controlling their horse throughout large journeys.

Luckily, there is an option to enable Auto Pilot. Unlike the vehicles in Grand Theft Auto, horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 have a mind of their own. It might be a good idea to let your horse do the walking while you enjoy the ride. Here’s how to enable Autopilot in Red Dead Redemption Online.


How to Enable Autopilot in Red Dead Redemption Online

Many players don’t know that autopilot is an option to them. This can be very helpful during long journeys because the distance is so vast. Fast Travel is an option that will take a lot of time off of the trip. Unfortunately, fast travel requires players to navigate to the train station, purchase a ticket and wait for the train to arrive. This can become awfully expensive over hours of playtime. Money isn’t the easiest thing to come by in 1899, so traveling on horseback is going to be the players’ best bet.

To lighten the load, enable autopilot by bringing your horse to a stop and selecting the game map. Navigate through the map and find a location. Select it to add a path to it. Ordinarily, players would follow this path all the way to the destination manually. With autopilot enabled the horse will take this path on its own while avoiding rocks and obstacles.

While standing still, hold down the Camera View Change button. The camera view will transition into Cinematic Mode. This will cycle camera angles in a manner that mimics film and television. This also allows horses to take you where you need to go without player input. From here, all players need to do is give the horse a little kick. The horse will begin galloping along the path.

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Pros and Cons of Autopilot in Red Dead Redemption Online

Autopilot is helpful because players don’t need to focus so heavily on navigating paths. The changing camera views can make the journey more relaxing in general. This also results in unique discoveries for players. Many players have found a spot that they wouldn’t have otherwise noticed while riding on autopilot.

Keep in mind that autopilot is still dependent on the horse’s AI. If the horse gets spooked during the ride, the autopilot will turn off and the player will have to take control. Don’t leave the room or turn away from the screen for too long while traveling. Players can still be attacked by animals, NPCs, or other players while in this mode.

Red Dead Redemption Online is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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