The Red Dead Redemption games are part of an open world series that have a tried-and-tested formula in both entries. Those who have played the games know how the stories work and the general style that is incorporated during gameplay, which doesn’t differ from one player to another.

Since there is an outline that goes into the series, fans have come up with memes that essentially sum up the experience. These relate to the attitude that players carry within the games or the way both installments are structured and aspects that they share. The best thing about the memes is that anyone who considers themselves to be a fan of the cowboy-themed shooters from Rockstar Games will agree that they feel the same way.


Hidden Money Stash

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Among the many things to do after finishing Red Dead Redemption is to collect money since there’s not much to spend it on anymore. Money can be collected much earlier during the story as well, which clashes with the narrative, as the characters are supposed to be outlaws.

While the money that the player has doesn’t canonically exist, it does stand out in players’ minds when cutscenes feature characters talking about money while the protagonist already has thousands in his possession. Everything could easily be solved if the in-game money could be used within the story.

Rockstar Likes Killing Heroes

The more poignant story compared to other Rockstar games enables Red Dead Redemption to have memorable scenes, with the most heavy-handed being those involving death. Arthur is shown to be suffering from an illness, which has a surprisingly realistic outcome.

Moreover, John Marston is also killed off in the first game, so the protagonists of this series don’t seem to have the odds stacked in their favor. Fans’ reaction is pretty much how this meme goes since the majority of players couldn’t believe another main character was about to be eliminated.

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Pretty Much Sums It Up

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It’s not exactly fun to follow a straight road to get to places, especially when the map is as large as it is in the Red Dead Redemption series. Players tend to veer off course to make things interesting, which has the side effect of prolonging the journey to ridiculous lengths.

The most common way to go is to make a mess of the journey, to the point where the simplistic route feels like a task of its own. Even though every person who plays the games knows about this, it doesn’t stop them from doing just that and then some in each playthrough.

NPCs Are Easy Victims

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While there are some genuinely scary sequences in Red Dead Redemption, the players themselves are the stuff of nightmares for NPCs. That’s because most tend to go around killing people for the heck of it, which would be a chaotic situation within the game’s universe.

With so much freedom allowed for players to go around without consequence, it’s difficult to hold back on the destructive potential on hand and most simply shoot everyone in sight when they’re bored. It’s hilariously the opposite for the NPCs, though, who can only run for their lives.

Sounds About Right

No matter which game between Red Dead Redemption and RDR2 is better, there’s little doubt that this meme rings true for both. The worlds are pretty immense and most open-world game players aren’t all that interested in the story as they are to roam around to explore.

The natural inclination when starting a new game is to get a feel of the surroundings, which can go out of hand when newer places are made available to explore. More often than not, players have their fill of doing unimportant things for hours before they return to the actual plot.

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Easy Regeneration

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Biology isn’t really the strong suit of the Red Dead Redemption universe because a number of nonsensical things happen that people just have to accept. One of these is the fact that horses can be healed by giving them fruits despite suffering potentially lethal injuries.

It’s hard to justify giving a horse an apple when it’s been shot multiple times, yet that seems to do the trick in the video game universe. The fun part of it all is that the over-the-top nature of the games is such that pointing out the flaws only adds to the entertainment rather than devaluing it.

Main Horse Wins

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There’s an option to keep multiple horses around for when players want to pick one over the other or to avoid the hassle of constantly stealing horses. Some have noted that people tend to stick one horse in particular while others are basically filler.

This meme depicts what the ignored horses must be thinking while players service the ones they like the most. To players’ defense, the horses in question aren’t real so they have no reason to feel guilty, and there’s also the fact that the stable horses at least get to live while most others perish in shootouts.

Every Single Time

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Hunting is one of the options to go for during free play that tends to get ignored when players are engaging in the main plot. It appears as if there’s a lot to go around when hunting isn’t a priority and many simply ignore these opportunities to do them later.

However, there doesn’t seem to be a later in question since the animals disappear, or at least that is how it feels. Free-roaming can be frustrating for those who want a challenge because it can turn into scavenging rather than hunting when animals just can’t be found.

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Too Good To Pass Up

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The deadeye feature allows players to spray out shots at their leisure because time slows down for them to aim at multiple places. Many look to have some fun with this feature since there are too many aim options and not many people or things to shoot at.

This meme points out what the majority of players have been known to do at some point, which is to aim all of the shots at the same target. Some people have taken further by shooting at certain parts of the body that they find humorous to attack a bunch of times.

Hitting In The Feels

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The ending of Red Dead Redemption 2 hits very hard on an emotional basis because the gang members meet tragic ends. It was similar in the first game when John Marston was killed off, with the second upping the ante by having the characters voice out their emotions.

Of course, creators of memes have found a way to turn this into a humorous thing, as this one points out that the person has been playing the games for so long that it’s their fourteenth playthrough. That’s a bit too melodramatic if it’s true, although the emotional impact is something to remember.

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