A humorously bizarre Red Dead Redemption 2 fan video shows gruff protagonist Arthur Morgan singing the iconic “I’m a Gummy Bear (The Gummy Bear Song).” Rockstar Games’ open-world Wild West simulator, released in 2018, was highly praised for its detailed world and emotional narrative. Even several years later, fans continue to pay tribute to the title by sharing in-game moments and producing artistic Red Dead Redemption 2 fan creations.

Many creative gamers have used their talents to express their appreciation for Red Dead Redemption 2. For example, Reddit user QuadPhoenix5000 recently created art which imagines RDR2’s Van Der Linde gang in old age. RDR2 focuses on protagonist Arthur Morgan, who belongs to a tight-knit gang of outlaws lead by charismatic leader Dutch Van der Linde. Throughout the title’s emotional narrative, a majority of these relatable characters are either killed or forced to flee from Dutch’s increasingly despondent view of the world. However, QuadPhoenix5000’s artwork imagines an alternate world where Red Dead Redemption 2‘s characters are able to reach a ripe old age – despite their pasts spent on the run. Meanwhile, Reddit user cheesenibbles23 paid tribute to the 2018 title by reimagining it as a classic Western film of the 1960s and ’70s. The classic RDR2 Western fan trailer easily fits Red Dead Redemption 2 into a cinematic format, which speaks volumes about the game’s almost photorealistic graphics.


In a unique and somewhat strange tribute to Red Dead Redemption 2, Reddit user ZOZIX123 created a video in which Arthur Morgan sings “I’m a Gummy Bear (The Gummy Bear Song).” The video adapts a scene from the game in which Arthur, accompanied by John Marston’s young son Jack, is confronted by law enforcement officer Andrew Milton from the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. However, when questioned by agent Andrew Milton, Arthur answers by breaking into the novel dance tune. An annoyed Milton, off-put by Arthur’s rendition of Gummibär, decides to storm off in a huff. Arthur’s beautiful rendition of the hit dance number was reportedly created using the artificial intelligence software Uberduck.

Despite releasing almost three years ago, players are still finding new details hidden in Red Dead Redemption 2. The cowboy simulator’s large open world is packed with minor mechanics that often go unnoticed, but help contribute to the title’s immersive quality. For example, Reddit user EyeOfDeath69 recently witnessed a bullet ricochet off Arthur’s gun in RDR2, which saved the protagonist from a potentially deadly headshot. In many video games, holstered weapons are simply a part of the character model and have no tangible effect on the world around the player. However, RDR2 treats all items as realistic parts of the world, making things such as bullet ricochets a rare but possible occurrence.

By combining an immersive open world with a well-written story, Rockstar Games was able to make Red Dead Redemption 2 a hit, and this ongoing affinity for the game is demonstrated by its fan creations – even admittedly bizarre ones like ZOZI123’s “I’m a Gummy Bear (The Gummy Bear Song)” video. The unique creation is seemingly unlike other fan tributes to the game, and certainly brings a new kind of homage to its active following.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia.

Source: ZOZIX123/Reddit

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