There’s a hidden Hobbit House that can be discovered in Red Dead Redemption 2, and there’s some extra morbid evidence which makes the Lord of the Rings connections even stronger. Even though players can’t go inside the house in the game’s single-player mode, there’s still a lot to explore in the immediate area which can help players uncover the history of the structure.

The Mysterious Hill Home, which clearly looks more like a Hobbit House from Lord of the Rings than anything else, can be found in the Grizzlies East Region near Ambarino. The quaint little home is covered with a mossy roof and looks fitting for something out of a fairy tale.


Players have access to this area starting from Chapter Two of Red Dead Redemption 2 and onwards. Discovering this mysterious location in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a must for any true fan, but getting inside is no easy feat – or one which can even be accomplished without the help of glitches and in-game expliots.

Everything You Can Do At RDR2’s Hobbit House

Upon approaching the home, Arthur Morgan will sketch an image down in his journal of the structure. “Wonder who lived here?” he’ll write beside the drawing. Unfortunately, however, when Arthur tries opening the door it will appear locked. Although players can’t go inside the structure, they can still explore the premises. On the very top of the house, they’ll see a strange white symbol with a sun in the middle. Players can climb the house to get a better look at Red Dead Redemption 2’s Hobbit house, and upon doing so, they’ll find a window at the top of the structure. But players, unfortunately, won’t be able to access the inside of the house through the window either, no matter how many bullets they waste trying to break the glass.

While players can’t access the inside of the home in the single-player campaign, however, it is possible in Red Dead Redemption 2’s multiplayer. It requires two players, and one of them must be hogtied while the other person picks them up and walks to the door. The first person must struggle to break free and the second must try to drop them to the floor. If done correctly, this will activate a glitch that will allow players to walk through the front door. Unfortunately, as shown in the Reddit thread below, it’s a big disappointment upon getting inside, as there’s nothing to interact with. It’s only a bare room with four walls.

There is actually another Lord of the Ring reference in the game that provides a clue as to who used to live in the mysterious home. Near Bacchus station, in the same area as the Hobbit House, players can find the body of a woman who tried to go over a waterfall in a barrel. Arthur will write about it in Red Dead Redemption 2’s journal, commenting, “Found the remains of some poor bastard woman tried to go over a waterfall in a barrel. Found it interesting, sad, I guess. An even more ridiculous life than the one I lead.” 

This is another Lord of the Rings reference, this time to TheHobbit. It’s specifically referencing the scene in which the main characters escape the Orcs by using barrels to jump into the river before being led down a waterfall, much like the mysterious woman in RDR2. The only difference is the characters in The Hobbit survive, while the same can’t be said for the woman in Red Dead Redemption 2’s barrel. Given that they’re both references to the Lord of the Rings universe, it’s possible the woman in the barrel owns the Mysterious Hill Home, or at least lived there before her untimely demise.

The Mysterious Hill home is a clear reference to The Lord of the Rings movies, making it one of the coolest locations to be explored in Red Dead Redemption 2.

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