Bill Williamson from the Red Dead Redemption series has proven to be one of the Rockstar Games’ most dynamic characters throughout both Western open-world adventures. He was a brash but loyal member of the Van der Linde gang in Red Dead Redemption 2, who risked his life several times to help his fellow gang members, Arthur Morgan and John Marston, but Bill was portrayed drastically differently in the original 2010 Red Dead Redemption release. He was one of the game’s main antagonists and even left John for dead in the opening scenes. What happened between the two games that made Bill change his tune?


RDR2 begins in 1899 and ends in 1907, four years before the events of Red Dead Redemption, which is primarily set in 1911. By the start of the prequel, Bill has already been a member of the Van der Linde gang for six years. By conversing with Bill in RDR2, players learn that Dutch van der Linde recruited him after Bill tried to rob him in 1893. Before that, Bill was a member of the Army but turned to a life of crime and alcoholism after being dishonorably discharged in 1892. Despite his devotion to his allies, Bill is often mocked by the Van der Linde gang in RDR2. But it wasn’t the gang’s mistreatment that led him to turn against John following the events of RDR2.

[Warning: Spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 below.]

Towards the tail end of  RDR2, tensions are running high among key Van der Linde gang members. Antagonist Micah Bell secretly betrays the crew by setting them up for an ambush and manipulating Dutch and Bill to turn against Arthur and John. The five confront each other at their camp, but chaos quickly ensues when the Pinkerton National Detective Agency storms the area and forces the gang to split up. Dutch and Micah pursue Arthur and John, which leads to Arthur’s death. Bill is nowhere to be seen during Arthur’s final moments, and it’s presumed Bill may have fled the Pinkertons with another gang member, Javier Escuella. Arthur’s death signaled the Van der Linde gang’s dissolution, but Bill wasn’t done being an outlaw despite the loss of his long-time posse.

Where Bill Went After Red Dead Redemption 2

It’s unknown exactly what happened to Bill immediately after the Van der Linde gang’s breakup in RDR2, but it’s presumed he became an even more ruthless criminal. By 1911 (and the start of the original Red Dead Redemption) he had formed the Williamson gang, who rose to prominence in New Austin by taking over Fort Mercer  – a location which was once home to the Del Lobo gang. Over the course of a relatively short period of time, Bill’s new crew gained the reputation as one of the most dangerous band of outlaws in the region and turned against John when he learned of his former ally’s new missions.

Government agents take John’s wife and son hostage at the beginning of Red Dead Redemption, and the reformed outlaw is extorted to hunt down the Van der Linde gang’s remaining members in exchange for his family back. John chases Bill for most Red Dead Redemption, which concludes in a showdown in Mexico and Bill’s death at John’s hands. Bill was a complex character who suffered from trauma and many insecurities, which led him to a life of crime and alcohol abuse. While he was successful during his stint as an outlaw after Red Dead Redemption 2, he still meets a tragic end just like most of the franchise’s characters.

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