Warning: SPOILERS for Red Notice ahead

Netflix’s Red Notice left many viewers wondering, what are they going to steal at the end? The film follows agent John Hartley (Dwayne Johnson) of the FBI as well as Nolan Booth (Ryan Reynolds) and the Bishop (Gal Gadot), the two most skilled thieves in the world. The three travel around the world and compete to recover all three of the invaluable eggs of Cleopatra. Booth and Hartley end up in jail together, forcing the reluctant pair to team up and take on Bishop so that Hartley can clear his name and Booth can get rich.

The big twist in the movie comes right near the ending of Red Notice when the audience thinks justice might prevail, until Hartley reveals that he is not an FBI agent, but actually Bishop’s long-time partner. They double-cross Booth and deliver all three eggs to their client, but then betray him as well by calling the police. But as the couple live a secluded life of luxury on their yacht, Booth turns up again and reveals that he led the police straight to all of their money. He proposes a new heist that is “double the payout, triple the challenge,” in addition to being a three-thief job.” The last shot of the movie sees the trio reunited once again in Paris, but it understandably leaves viewers with some unanswered questions about the Red Notice characters’ new mission.


So what is it that they’re going to steal? The building they’re in front of is the famous Louvre Museum which houses all manner of priceless treasures from art to antiquities. Given all of the valuable loot inside the Louvre, it’s likely that the thieves would go for one of the more famous pieces like the Mona Lisa or the Venus de Milo. Then again, it’s also possible that the writers will invent a new fictional antiquity like they did with Cleopatra’s three eggs, so they could stick with an ancient Egyptian theme, or perhaps make it something even more personal to the characters.

The fact that they’re at the Louvre immediately suggests a high-budget target for Netflix’s Red Notice characters. According to lovemoney.com, French historian Patrice de Moncan estimated the contents of the museum to be worth a minimum of $35 billion, so there are certainly plenty of prospective items that would fetch the thieves a worthy payday. Some of the most notable works on display at the Louvre include da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, which was insured for $100 million back in 1962, as well as the aforementioned Venus de Milo, a sculpture by Alexandros of Antioch dating back all the way to 130 BC.

As noted, another route the film could go is to simply invent a new treasure like they did with the eggs of Cleopatra. If Netflix wanted to stick with an Egyptian theme for the Red Notice characters’ next target, the Louvre’s Department of Egyptian Antiquities takes up two floors in the real-life museum. It’s also possible that the next movie might focus on a more sentimental target. Both Hartley and Booth discuss their father issues in Red Notice, and Booth’s dad’s watch leads the thieves to locate the third egg. Perhaps the next film will examine Hartley’s father and could see the trio of thieves going after an item with more than monetary value, like a target that his father dreamed of stealing but never could.

It’s impossible to be certain what the thieves’ next target will be in the Red Notice ending, but the fact that it’s at the Louvre promises excitement. The staggering monetary value of the museum’s contents guarantees high-tech security, armed guards, and a convoluted scheme that will almost certainly go wrong, forcing Gadot, Reynolds, and Johnson’s characters to cleverly adapt in Red Notice 2. Regardless of the target, the last scene of Red Notice sets up an obvious sequel that will no doubt continue to entertain.

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