Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is an animated series inspired by some of the best movies from the Resident Evil franchise. The hit Netflix show features multiple unique characters in a story where each is called to make some important decisions that could save the world or destroy it.

Although were side characters and only had to make a few decisions, that was enough to showcase their intelligence. From established icons like Leon and Jill to the new additions of Jun See and Ryan, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness features some of the smartest characters in the Resident Evil franchise.

9 Jason

Jason is one of the main characters in Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness and had to make many difficult decisions throughout the series. Unlike other characters, Jason handled each situation intelligently and made the right choices when he had to.

For instance, after the submarine gets infected by a virus, Jason has reached the top hatch together with Shenmei. When Leon also arrives, Jason convinces Shenmei to let Leon up as he knows Jason will be useful later in the story. This was definitely one of Jason’s smartest choices as it paid off in the show’s conclusion when Leon helped them unmask Wilson’s conspiracy.

8 Shenmei

Shenmei was Jason’s partner, and most importantly, she was the one to stay true to their mission of revealing Wilson’s conspiracy. Although Jason initially failed to recruit Leon to their side, Shenmei took a smarter approach.

Shenmei manages to appeal to Leon’s emotions by showing him the injured Jun See. As a result, this makes Leon trust her when she reveals the information about Jun See’s chip and Wilson’s conspiracy. In the end, this is what convinces Leon to join Shenmei.


7 Claire Redfield

Claire Redfield, one of the best Resident Evil characters introduced after the first game, is seen in multiple scenes throughout the show investigating in the background Wilson’s conspiracy. Specifically, she is the first one to discover that the government had lied; instead of dying by suicide, the men had actually been infected by the virus.

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At the show’s conclusion, she wanted to reveal Wilson’s conspiracy to the world. This would have been the smarter choice, as the bioweapons would have been taken away from the government, but Leon didn’t allow her to do so. Nevertheless, Claire was on the right track, and revealing it to the world was an intelligent idea.

6 Patrick

Although he initially thinks Leon is a lucky man and has no faith in his skills, Patrick ultimately decides to believe him when it counts. He is the first one to believe Leon despite how absurd his theory might be.

Patrick was smart enough to realize something was off in the President’s speech, which was written by Wilson. Specifically, Patrick realized that the speech assumed too much about the Chinese with minimal evidence to support it. Thus, Patrick lets the President know of Leon’s perspective and helps him make the right choice.

5 Graham

Graham was the President of the United States who was the one to make the right choice in the end. By trusting Patrick and Leon’s words at the finale, he showed that he was intelligent enough to realize that something was off in Wilson’s speech against China.

Due to this smart choice, Graham is the one to save the world in the end by deciding to alter his speech in a way that’s not going to cause a war with the Chinese.

4 Wilson

Wilson was the Secretary of Defense in the White House and the main villain of the series. His plan focused on infecting as many people as possible while getting rich by selling inhibitors or vaccines.

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The smartest part was that he didn’t simply hide his plan. Instead, he made some of its parts obvious and presented them to the President to make it seem as if the Chinese were behind it. This would lead to the President waging a war against China while Wilson would remain undetected and flush with money from the international conflict.

3 Jun See

Jun See was the younger brother of Sen Mei and the one to provide Jason and his squad with inhibitors (the treatment for the infection) that nearly cost him his life. This wasn’t only an act of selflessness, but also an act of intelligence as well. Jun See realized that Jason had a better chance than him at unmasking the conspiracy at Penamstan.

Despite being injured and infected, Jun managed to survive and was brought back home safely. As a result, Shenmei discovered the chip inside him and uncovered Wilson’s conspiracy to wage a shadow war with China.

2 Leon S. Kennedy

Leon, one of the best characters in the Resident Evil franchise, was the main character of the series and had to make multiple smart decisions. First, he was quick to realize that Shenmei and Jason were plotting something after the submarine was infected.

More importantly, when Shenmei explained Wilson’s conspiracy to him, Leon made the smart choice to join them against the Defense Secretary. Despite Leon being extremely faithful to the government, he still was intelligent enough to bypass his nationalistic feelings and do the right thing.

1 Ryan

Ryan was the Chief of Staff in the White House and was always suspicious that Wilson’s behavior would lead to an inevitable war with China. He was always trying to convince the President that following Wilson’s advice would be too risky, especially since they didn’t have any hard evidence that China was involved.

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Although he didn’t have much influence on the show’s outcome, Ryan’s suspicions were confirmed when Wilson’s conspiracy was revealed. If the President had listened to Ryan in the first place, the worst could have been avoided.

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