Resident Evil Village follows Ethan Winters on his quest to find his infant daughter, Rose, who has been kidnapped and taken to a strange European village. The unique setting hosts several interesting characters, including the Four Lords, mutants ruled by Mother Miranda. While the action-packed gameplay has earned praise from players and critics, it’s the things the characters say that have become fan-favorite moments since the game’s release.

Whether it’s Heisenberg breaking the fourth wall with his dramatic commentary or the Duke giving Ethan disturbing news, the game is full of great dialogue. Resident Evil Village has many memorable quotes, ranging from horrifying to hilarious, but which stand out the most?


Ethan Fails To Help Elena To Safety

“Why is everyone dying on me?”

Perpetually unlucky protagonist Ethan finds himself having a brief moment of respite after encountering the dangerous Lycans in the village. Elena tells him about Luiza, a resident who uses her home as a safe haven for others. His relief is short-lived when Elena’s father becomes a Lycan and kills nearly everyone, leaving Elena to guide Ethan as they try to escape.

Unfortunately for Elena, she still believes she can help her father and falls to a fiery death when she turns back to him. Ethan has a moment of rage where he utters this quote, before ultimately pushing on. Although Ethan is considered a boring character, he wants to help those around him, and players can feel his frustration when he fails to help Elena to safety.

Salvatore Moreau Jumps Out At Ethan In The Reservoir

“I’m the best!”

When trying to escape Moreau’s reservoir and get one of Rose’s flasks, Ethan finds himself going through a series of anxiety-inducing puzzles while Moreau periodically jumps out and attempts to eat him. This particular section sees Ethan navigating wooden plans on the water, so players have to concentrate, as he’ll die if he falls and if he’s caught.

During one puzzle, Ethan is getting close to finding a way out of the reservoir, when Moreau jumps out of nowhere and declares himself to be the best. It’s a great jumpscare that’s equal parts hilarious and sad. Moreau is the weakest and least liked of the Four Lords, but part of him still believes that he can defeat Ethan and impress Miranda, who he sees as a mother figure, despite the fact that he’s already slowly dying as a result of her experimentation.

Lady Dimitrescu Slices Ethan’s Hand Off

“Like I’d let you get away. You’ll be sliced to ribbons before you ever see that child!”

This quote follows one of Resident Evil Village‘s scariest moments that took players by surprise, when Lady Dimitrescu slices off Ethan’s hand as he’s trying to find the masks and leave the castle. She appears out of nowhere, telling Ethan he’ll never get away or be reunited with his daughter. Ethan is then forced to grab his hand and run, circling back to the switch he was initially trying to pull before he can escape.

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It’s a tense and dramatic moment, and even the players most enamored with Lady Dimitrescu find her intimidating in this scene. It also reaffirms the fact that she’s always lurking about the castle, and players never know when or where she’ll appear next, keeping them on guard.

Heisenberg Toys With Ethan In The Mines

“Nothing like fresh American ground beef!”

Considered one of the best characters in Resident Evil Village, Heisenberg is funny and charismatic. After ambushing Ethan outside of Castle Dimitrescu, he drags him to the meeting between the Four Lords, where Miranda has the final say on who gets first dibs on him. The least loyal of the Four Lords, Heisenberg wants to persuade Ethan to work together, but first has to see how capable he is.

Heisenberg tests his endurance by having his Lycans chase Ethan through dark, dingy mine shafts, where he also has to avoid being crushed by a spiked ceiling. When he reaches the next portion, a massive wheel with huge spikes appears. Under the impression that Ethan won’t survive this, Heisenberg yells this out in amusement. It’s cheesy, but a funny moment, as it shows that Heisenberg underestimates Ethan’s ability to find a way to survive the situation.

Chris Redfield Finally Tells Ethan What’s Going On

“All right, Ethan. All right. I guess I owe you an explanation.”

There are some things Resident Evil fans don’t know about Chris Redfield, and one of them is why he waits so long to tell Ethan what’s going on in the village or explain what happened to Mia and Rose. After a confrontation at Heisenberg’s factory, Chris finally decides it’s time to come clean.

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It’s a bit of an unintentionally funny moment, as Chris could’ve said something to Ethan after shooting Miranda, who he believed to be Mia, at the beginning of the game. Instead, he waits until Miranda has Rose and is preparing for the ritual before he says anything. It’s understandable that he doesn’t want civilians involved, but it’s clear that Ethan is no longer a normal human being at this point and is capable of handling himself.

The Duke Drops Some Disturbing Knowledge

“Why, you have your daughter right in your own hands.”

The successor to Resident Evil 4‘s weapons merchant is a helpful guide to Ethan and the player throughout the game, as he explains as much as he can about the village and its Four Lords. Ethan returns to The Duke following the battle with the mutated Lady Dimitrescu, where he reveals a disturbing piece of information about Rose.

Not only is she in the village, but her body parts have been separated into four different flasks. The flask Ethan picks up after the battle contains her head. It’s a jaw-droppingly horrifying moment that foreshadows the events that have yet to come for the player at this point.

Salvatore Moreau Roasts Ethan

“You’re stupid. You talk too much. It’s all over. I plugged the way in.”

Though he’s not the most popular or loved of the Four Lords, Moreau does have some amusing lines. When Ethan first enters his reservoir, he sees the third flask just hanging out on a shelf while Moreau is giving himself a pep talk. Instead of just grabbing it and running away, Ethan decides it’s a great idea to interrupt him to tell him he’s taking it.

Moreau is quick to point out what many players likely thought in this scene, that Ethan made a bad choice and should’ve just taken it, instead of alerting the villain to his plans. Because he couldn’t just keep his mouth shut, he finds himself trapped and forced to fight Moreau for the flask.

Eveline Explains What Happened To Ethan

“You shouldn’t even be able to walk around.”

Eveline, one of the most powerful monsters in the Resident Evil games, returns to Ethan while he’s on the verge of death to tell him the last key piece of information he needs to know. She reveals that Jack murdered him when he arrived at the Baker house three years prior, but was infected with the mold and reanimated.

It’s a creepy moment that finally explains how Ethan not only survived the events of the previous game but also how he survived everything in Resident Evil Village. Losing his hands has become a running gag for his character, and players wondered how he could just reattach them and not suffer major blood loss from that or any of his other injuries.

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Lady Dimitrescu Tastes Ethan’s Blood

“Hmmm. Starting to go a little stale.”

As one of the most popular characters in the franchise, Lady Dimitrescu has many interesting moments. One of them comes when she and her daughters mess with Ethan before hanging him up in the corner of the room. She drinks his blood and utters this line, which is humorous, but also confusing initially.

This line makes a lot more sense after Eveline reveals that Ethan’s body has been taken over by the mold. Since he’s no longer human, his blood doesn’t taste the same. It’s a cool bit of foreshadowing, as it makes the player question why she would say that.

Heisenberg Declares Death To Chris And Ethan

“I’m going to murder that boulder-punching a–hole, but you’re first!”

Having survived his encounter with Sturm, Ethan engages in a boss battle with Heisenberg. Chris blows up his factory to allow Ethan a moment to recuperate, enraging Heisenberg, declaring death on them and yelling out this line.

It’s one of the most hilarious quotes in the game, as it brings up the tense relationship Chris developed with boulders in Resident Evil 5. It’s unclear how Heisenberg would know anything about Chris, but it’s a funny moment that breaks the fourth wall.

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