Death isn’t quite permanent in Returnal, the psychological horror-filled third-person roguelike PS5 exclusive, but it does come with severe consequences. The mysterious planet Atropos reshuffles itself with every loop in Returnal, nullifying any exploration progress made, and most items are lost upon death. Each time, Selene wakes up at the crash site where she first landed on Atropos and starts all over again. There are some items, however, that can save players from death, including the Astronaut Figurine.

Early on in Returnal’s story, as part of the mind-bending narrative, Selene enters her own home – somehow present on an alien planet – and begins to be stalked by an Apollo-era astronaut. After completing this first section of the house, Selene acquires an artifact called Astronaut Figurine, with an unsettling description saying, “It doesn’t want to let you go.” The meaning behind this is apparently two-fold. The full-size astronaut becomes a recurring motif in Returnal’s narrative, popping up occasionally to stand unnervingly still and stare at Selene. The miniature version, the Astronaut Figurine, won’t let Selene go by helping her survive longer on the brink of a failed run.


Having one of Returnal’s Astronaut Figurines in the inventory is basically being in possession of a second life. When Selene’s health hits zero while in possession of one, she falls to the ground and stands back up after a brief moment with full health and all other items intact. Astronaut Figurines in Returnal are only single use, though, and will disappear after reviving the player.

How to Get More Astronaut Figurines in Returnal

That original Astronaut Figurine given in Returnal‘s first house sequence is a freebie, but after that it enters the pool of available artifacts. This means more can be found randomly throughout the procedurally generated levels or bought from fabricators if it happens to be one of the offerings. Trading Obolites for an Astronaut Figurine is a pretty good deal considering having one may be the difference in defeating a boss in Returnal or not. Finding Astronaut Figurines seems to be pretty rare, since artifact spawns usually supply more common items like Worn Calibrators.

The Astronaut Figurine isn’t the only way to cheat death in Returnal. Some parasites will keep their host alive, but usually cause a suit malfunction in return. Returnal’s Astronaut Figurine is definitely the best way to ensure survival, as it often has no downside. Returnal can be a brutally tough game, but a little astronaut companion can help make or break a long and grueling run.

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