Rick and Morty is a lot of things. It’s brilliant. It’s sad. It’s an homage factory. It’s one of the hardest working shows on television. It also happens to have one of the widest, weirdest ranges of characters that viewers will encounter on Adult Swim, or any other channel.

One of the reasons Rick and Morty is able to excel in this area is that the show literally has unlimited dimensions full of possibilities to pull new characters from. This is exactly the sort of show that would do an episode with an entirely fresh set of characters in a never-before-seen galaxy just to screw with its audience. There’s tremendous potential in a show that’s capable of such things. Somehow Rick and Morty always seems to rise to the opportunity with the bulk of its characters—even the ones that only have a few lines of dialogue—quickly becoming fan favorites. With the show’s new season set to debut this summer, here are the 15 Most WTF Side Characters From Rick and Morty.

15  15. Scary Terry

Scary Terry has a surprising number of layers to him. His mission to invade and terrify Rick and Morty’s dreams is short-lived; the duo actually turn the tables on the monster. pretty quickly Rick and Morty incept Scary Terry’s dreams and learn that most of what fuels the character is the misunderstanding and fear over not being scary enough. He’s just a scared little boy himself when all the razor fingers and powers are taken away.

Between Scary Terry’s wife Melissa and his son, Scary Brandon, the Scary clan are a realistic depiction of the American (monster) dream. They struggle to make by with what they have, but there’s no lack of love in their believable, modest lives. Readers of the Rick and Morty comics will also know that Scary Terry’s source of power is apparently his fedora. In one encounter where Morty tries it on, he becomes “Scary Morty” accordingly. Who’d have thought that such a shameless rip off of Freddy Krueger could end up taking on such a life of his own?

14 Snuffles/Snowball

So the Smith household actually had a dog as part of the family until the little guy went a touch megalomaniacal and had to escape to another planet entirely. Snuffles (or Snowball, as the tiny white canine would apparently preferred to be called) is scolded one day for making a mess on the carpet, and this one innocent gesture ends up nearly enslaving the entire human race to their canine companions.

Rick tries to alleviate the untrained dog situation by fashioning Snuffles a helmet that lets him not only understand humans, but practice independent, intelligent thought. It’s only a matter of time until Snuffles is calling the shots in the Smith household and developing a whole line of robotic bodies for his doggie friends. In spite of Snuffles’ utter disdain towards humans, it’s ultimately their empathy that touches Snuffles and causes him to leave them be. Snuffles might have been one of Rick and Morty’s earliest encounters with someone so unusual, but the guy is still out there in space, waiting for a return appearance.


13 Squanchy

Welcome to a Smurf’s worst nightmare! Squanchy is a cat-like creature with dependency issues that are nearly as strong as Rick’s. That’s probably why the two of them are such close friends. Squanchy is a pretty manic individual who seems to have a million different uses for the word “squanch.” He happens to play a crucial role in the Gromflomite ambush during Tammy and Birdperson’s wedding, although his condition afterwards is currently unknown. Poor guy might have squanched the big one.

Also, it’s not a good idea to get Squanchy to drink the green liquid that’s contained in his tooth. Doing so is prone to cause Squanchy to transform into a beefed-up super strong version of his normal self. It’s a nice party trick, but leaves the feline feeling pretty ‘roided out.

And for all of the Deep Web users that are out there, Squanchy used to play drums with Rick and Birdperson in their band, “The Flesh Curtains.” There’s got to be a few unproduced tracks squanching out there somewhere.

12 Revolio Clockberg Jr. (Gearhead)

Known as Revolio Clockberg Jr. in most circles, Gearhead is a member of the Gear People race that populate the vast gear-heavy world of the Gear System. Gearhead very much considers himself to be a Gearman of the Gearpeople. He has vast knowledge regarding engineering and the history of his people and their tragedies. The guy is also great on a lute and a clinch for entertainment at a party.

Revolio sees his life as being very ordinary, in spite of how gear-based culture might be quite different from those on Earth. He’s content with his life, although he’s not opposed to selling out his ideals to grab that brass ring. He’s also not as chummy with Rick as Rick might believe. Revolio also appears to subscribe to Queer Gear, giving some insight to his sexual orientation. Oh, and word to the wise, Revolio isn’t the craziest about the nickname Gearhead. He claims that it’s an offense so grand that it’s the equivalent of “calling an Asian person ‘China Face.’” Sure is catchy, though.

11 Baby Legs and Regular Legs

Baby Legs and Regular Legs is the best procedural television show on interdimensional cable that people are not watching. Being born out of the madness that is the episode “Rixty Minutes,” Baby Legs is one of the best cops on the force. His only downfall—as fashionable as they may be—is that he’s plagued with the legs of a baby, in spite of being a full-grown man. Baby Legs needs to seriously confront his own limitations when the police captain makes him partner up with a detective with regular legs.

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Baby Legs might view his new partner as a sleight towards his condition, but in the end he learns a valuable lesson about people. It doesn’t matter the size of their legs, as long as they’ve got a big heart. Even though Baby Legs doesn’t like to admit it, his legs are a setback when patrolling. Once he’s finally able to trust Regular Legs as an equal, Baby Legs’ police work can truly shine. They even give the Ball Fondlers a run for their money.

10 Mr. Poopybutthole

Ooo-eee! It may read as a little controversial to have such a fan-favorite character ranking so low here, but it’s really saying something when a character that goes by the name of My. Poopybutthole only ranks as quasi-weird. Mr. Poopybutthole might be the best thing that ever happened to the Smith family, whether they realize it or not. Mr. Poopybutthole is a constantly chipper, enthusiastic source of joy that always manages to find the silver lining in a dark situation.

When parasites infect the memories of the Smith household in “Total Rickall,” the many great deeds of Mr. Poopybutthole are outlined. This mental inventory also leads to Beth questioning if Poopybutthole is actually real, or yet another parasite-induced hallucination. Mr. Poopybutthole pays the ultimate price (and is currently housing a bad limp and unhealthy painkiller addiction), but at least Beth learns a valuable lesson about trust and gun safety.

The Rick and Morty comics have even devoted a six-issue miniseries to the extended adventures and origin story of Mr. Poopybutthole. “Lil’ Poopy Superstar” gives a satisfying extra dose of Poopybutthole, pairing the tiny guy up with Summer, and revealing that he’s a Tom Cruise-level celebrity back on his home planet.

9 Cronenberg Dimension People

The Cronenbergs are a great early example of Rick and Morty’s ability to expand the boundaries of their chaotic playground. The first season episode “Rick Potion No. 9” doesn’t just turn the series’ prime dimension into a world full of disgusting abominations, but it straight up runs away from it and doesn’t look back! When the series Rick and Morty begins, it takes place within Dimension C-137. However, in “Rick Potion No. 9” Rick ends up irreparably mutating the population (save Beth, Jerry, and Summer) into Cronenberg-ed versions of themselves. There’s something so elegant about the show being able to use a Canadian filmmaker known for his work in body horror as a verb.

Rick and Morty has a tendency to be cyclical and comprehensive in a way that no other shows are. That’s why after Rick Cronenbergs Dimension C-137, he and Morty transport to a new dimension that’s already Cronenberged. It’s here that they’re able to turn everyone back to normal and start life over. Meanwhile though, a Cronenberged Rick and Morty from another Cronenberged dimension flee to Dimension C-137 after accidentally curing their planet. Now that they’ve found another transformed world, they can now rest easy. Phew!

8 Furniture People from the Furniture Dimension

Hopping from one insane dimension to another, the Furniture People from the Furniture Dimension might be more aesthetically pleasing than the Cronenbergs, but they’re equals in the crazy department. The purpose of the Furniture People is more to service a glorious, lengthy running joke through “Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind’s” constant dimension hopping. There might not be any deep reveals in regard to these people’s motivations or history, but that all ends up having their weirdness resonate even more strongly.

“Close Rick-Counters” sees Rick and Morty on the run from the powerful Council of Ricks. In their attempts to evade them, they end up detouring through a bunch of different dimensions. Many of them are eerily similar to each other, with their differences becoming the joke. The payoff of all of this is in the Furniture Dimension where all furniture are sentient beings that use humans as furniture. On top of that, furniture people eat phones for nutrition and make calls using pizzas. Additionally, people drive around in bottles and use trucks as containers to drink liquids. Contrarian in nature, it’s hard to hate this bizarre dimension.

7 Pencilvester

Second to only the “Interdimensional Cable” installments, the episode “Total Rickall” throws a delirious amount of new Rick and Morty characters at its audience. The episode’s whole point is even for viewers to get lost within the sea of absurd personalities that have surrounded themselves around the Smith family. One such personality is Pencilvester, the anthropomorphic talking pencil who—well, that’s really about it.

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As much as people might love partying with Pencilvester, he is not real. He’s a dangerous figment of the mind courtesy of villainous alien parasites. This is a lot for Rick and Morty to wrap their heads around since they seem to have many fond memories with the lead-filled fella. In fact, Rick is even unable to kill the guy when put to the test, and Rick isn’t always one for sentimentality. Morty is similarly touched by the character. Less is definitely more with this strange, little character, but the fact that he means so much to Rick and Morty gives him greater impact. He also sure gives Ghost in a Jar and Hamurai a run for their money!

6 King Jellybean

Get ready for insomnia, people, because King Jellybean is pure nightmare fuel! When Rick and Morty are kicking back and getting a drink within The Thirsty Step, Morty is nearly sexually assaulted by Mr. Jellybean in the men’s room. While Rick and Morty writers have jokingly deflected that Mr. Jellybean simply wanted Morty to lick him, mounting evidence (the incriminating pictures found in Jellybean’s closet and that irksome statue of him massaging a nervous boy’s shoulders) seem to imply a darker conclusion. What’s even more disturbing here is that Jellybean appears to be the ruler of a medieval-type kingdom. He’s viewed as a leader and inspiration to his people, likely using this power as leverage for even more abuse.

Rick is often conveyed as a selfish individual within the series, but his decision to kill King Jellybean is actually one of the kindest things he’s ever done for Morty. Rick might have ended the life of an abusive tyrant, but at least now his people can “get more from the idea he represented than from the jellybean he actually was.”

5 Abradolf Lincler

Abradolf Lincler is a basic Frankenstein’s Monster narrative that’s delightfully turned on its head. In one of Rick’s more creative moments of expression, he fashions together Abradolf Lincler, an amalgamation of Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler. Due to this extreme dichotomy of opinions bouncing around in his head, Abradolf Lincler is a highly crazed, confused individual. Lincler’s world views are equally hard to predict as he carries the ideals of both of his “halves.” For instance, Lincler is in favor of the “eradication of inferior genes” but he’s also in support of freeing African-American slaves.

Lincler’s motivations mostly revolve around him trying to find his creator, Rick, and get revenge for being created in the first place. When it appears like Lincler is about to die at the hands of an alien beast, he reveals that all he really wanted was acceptance from Rick. Abradolf Lincler now unfortunately spends his time as a sex toy for the vile Testicle Monsters. If only someone could emancipate him.

4 Hepatitis C

Sure, Disney has been doing a lot to upgrade their theme park over recent years, but Rick and Morty’s “Anatomy Park” is still providing the best amusement park experience that’s available inside the body of a homeless man. Inside the fragile ecosystem of Ruben lies Dr. Xenon Bloom’s Anatomy Park, which attempts to exploit the miracles of the human body. As Rick and Morty navigate through the park, a number of bacteria like Tuberculosis, E. Coli, and Gonorrhea endanger their lives and pose problems. The bacteria coursing through Ruben’s system also all have inspired designs that would make Stan Winston smile.

One of the most ferocious bacteria encountered is Heptatitis A—who beautifully resembles the alien from out of Cloverfield. Just when it looks like all hope is lost, the even larger Hepatitis C shows up and handles Hepatitis A, allowing Morty to escape. Hepatitis C has by far the most intricate look out of these bacteria, plus, the fact that he’s actually interested in helping Morty shades him in with some welcome duality. There are layers to this terrifying disease that people would never expect.

3 Ants in my Eyes Johnson

Ants in my Eyes Johnson is about as bleak a character as they come. He’s really an inspiration for all of America though because in spite of this character’s debilitating conditions, he still finds the time to get out there and run a store. And in this economy. Ants in my Eyes Johnson is one of the many absurd abominations that come out of “Interdimensional Cable’s” highly improvisational style. It’s a chaotic, ambitious approach that can lead to a lot of nonsense, but can also result in characters like Ants in my Eyes Johnson being born that likely would have never seen creation in a conventional writing environment.

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Ants in my Eyes Johnson appears to run an appliance store, but he doesn’t seem to have any clue in the matter. The reason being that—that’s right—his eyes are full of ants. If that weren’t enough, Mr. Johnson also suffers from some sort of neurological condition that renders him unable to feel anything in addition to his sightlessness. Adding the extra ailment to his name might be a bit too extraneous for the man, but rest assured that Ants in my Eyes Johnson is more plagued than he appears.

2 Water-T/Ice-T

The final reveal of Ice-T’s “evolution” into Water-T is one of the most ludicrous, perfect reveals in all of Rick and Morty. It’s a joke that especially feels like it was backwards engineered from its bonkers endpoint, but it’s hard to begrudge it any when the results are so damn funny. Yes, Ice-T is a successful musician-turned-actor, but a lot of people don’t realize that he’s also an ancient alien that’s been around for as long as time itself.

There’s been an eternal feud going on between the Numbericons and the Alphabetrites that has led to many number- and letter-shaped corpses piling up through the years. In spite of Ice-T being a legend on Earth, he was actually exiled from his home planet of Alphabetrium. After finally proving his courage on Earth, he’s able to return home, find redemption, and return to his true from of Water-T. And thank God that he does, because Water-T’s help is immediately needed in the siege of Alphabetrium. The numbers are about to be crunched and it’s not going to be pretty.

1 Eyeholes Man

Rick and Morty’s “Interdimensional Cable” episodes are certainly a great showcase for the show’s more random one-note characters. A lot of them have even joined the esteemed ranks of this list. However, perhaps no character from the “Interdimensional Cable” offerings is more out of control than Eyeholes Man. To begin with, this terrifying person is actually the mascot for a breakfast cereal, Eyeholes. Eyeholes Man’s motivations are painfully simple: he wants eyeholes. To be more specific, he wants to be the only one with eyeholes. Meaning if Eyeholes Man catches anyone with any of the breakfast cereal, he’ll swiftly beat them up until they surrender the juicy morsels.

It’s Eyeholes Man’s ability to pop up at any moment that makes him so fascinating. What’s his connection to eyeholes beyond that? Is this just a job for the guy? He appears to be wearing a superhero costume, so there is an alter ego beneath the mask. But where does one end and the other begin? It’s a sure thing that no one is giving 7-Up’s Spot this much attention or dissection.

But what do you think? On all of Rick and Morty’s hopping between dimensions, who’s stuck out the most to you? Are these the weirdest of the weird or is there a whole other dimension of possibilities? Sound the alarms for the Birdperson supporters!

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