Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 transports players back in time to the wild west, where they can assume the role of outlaws like John Marston and Arthur Morgan to explore the surrounding territories. But just like there are plenty of things to do and see in the game, there are plenty of ways players can die, too.

Dying isn’t the biggest deal in Red Dead Redemption 2, considering players will quickly respawn in a matter of minutes. But what is worth taking note of are all the ridiculous ways players can accidentally die in the game. Simply walking in the wrong place at the right time can be a death sentence if luck isn’t on the player’s side. Clearly, Rockstar wanted to demonstrate that the wild west was a dangerous place, and it appears like they took that job seriously.


Given how expansive Red Dead Redemption 2 is, there are literally hundreds of ways players can lose their life, some more surprising than others. The following ways to die in the game are both unexpected and hilarious, and showcases Rockstar’s affinity for realism and attention to detail in addition to their infamous sense of humor.

The Weirdest Ways To Die In Red Dead Redemption 2

The kiss of a vampire. Just like players can go vampire hunting in RDR2, they can also be hunted by the vampire. Players need to find all five clues in Saint Denis in order to come face-to-face with the vampire. If players hesitate in attacking the creature, he’ll strike first and feast on the player’s blood as they succumb to a slow death. Outside of the Undead Nightmare DLC, this is one of the most fantastical elements ever included in a Red Dead Redemption title.

Beware of the geysers. A geyser is a hot spring filled with boiling water, which often releases a tail of water and stream into the air with great force. This can not only be dangerous in real-life (as they can be exceptionally volatile) but it can also be deadly in Red Dead Redemption 2. The steaming geysers in the game, located southwest of the Wapiti Indian Reservation, are incredibly dangerous, and can kill a player if they accidentally walk into it, spend too much time trying to swim, or ruthlessly throw their enemies into one.

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A lightning strike. It’s rare both in real life and in Red Dead Redemption 2’s open world, but it’s possible to get struck by lightning and die, proving there’s a real risk to riding one’s horse during a thunderstorm. Best to seek shelter or set up camp in order to change the time of day.

Lions, tigers, and bears. There are a handful of wild animals that can kill players, including bears, cougars, and stags, which can be encountered in the wild and sometimes provoked without warning. But there’s also one specific side mission in which Arthur comes face-to-face with a “tiger” and a real lion. When Arthur is asked to wrangle up escaped animals for a circus performer, he’s shocked to find that the tiger is only a cougar. The lion, on the other hand, is very much real, and can easily overpower the outlaw if players aren’t careful.

There are clearly a plethora of ways to die in Red Dead Redemption 2, some of which are more surprising (and bizarre) than others.

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