In an ironic twist, it’s possible Kylo Ren used Darth Vader’s personal TIE Fighter in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Lucasfilm always publish a wealth of tie-in material around a Star Wars movie, but they’re not normally a desperate attempt to plug various plot holes. If you want to properly understand the final film of the sequel trilogy, you really need to pick up a wide range of tie-ins, including the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary and a couple of novelizations.

Take, for example, the question of just how Kylo Ren got to Exegol. He was abandoned on Kef Bir, left standing among the wreckage of the Second Death Star. According to Rae Carson’s official The Rise of Skywalker novelization, he managed to find a damaged TIE equipped with a hyperdrive, and repaired it to get to the Unknown Regions. It wasn’t easy, and he’s described as needing to “coax [the TIE] into flying for him.” Making matters worse, the navigational systems were only partly functional, so he had to depend on his own flying skills and the Force. It’s a solid attempt to fix an awkward plot hole, but it’s far from perfect, because the simple fact is that Imperial TIEs were rarely equipped with hyperdrives. It’s all a little too coincidental – but there is a possible explanation.


The Empire never really cared about the survival of their troops, viewing them as expendable, which explains why TIE Fighters don’t tend to have shields. But some high-value Imperials preferred to lead from the front, including Grand Admiral Thrawn. A handful of key figures enjoyed the thrill of starfighter combat, and in the years before the Galactic Civil War the Empire commissioned a number of prototype TIEs with advanced functionality. One of these was the TIE Advanced x1, which boasted shields and a hyperspace generator. Darth Vader possessed a prototype; it was damaged during the Battle of Yavin, but the Dark Lord of the Sith liked the freedom of being able to travel independently, and replaced it. Vader would no doubt be interested in future prototypes with enhanced functionality as well.

The TIE Advanced x1 hasn’t been seen anytime near Return of the Jedi, but Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker confirms the Death Star was stocked with at least one TIE Fighter with a functional hyperdrive; the one Kylo Ren took. It’s reasonable to suggest this was another prototype, perhaps even used by Darth Vader. As a pilot, Vader would have wanted an easy way to get to it from the Emperor’s Throne Room, so there was likely a hangar close by. And – as seen in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – this part of the Second Death Star was largely intact on the moon of Kef Bir. If any TIE survived the chaos, it would be Darth Vader’s. Conveniently, it would have been quite close to where Kylo Ren was left standing, making it easy for him to stumble upon his grandfather’s TIE.

There would certainly be an amusing symmetry to all this, given Kylo Ren was obsessed with his grandfather. It would be particularly ironic if Kylo Ren flew his grandfather’s TIE without ever once realizing who its owner had been, which is a possibility that can’t be ruled out; tie-ins have already suggested Kylo Ren never really understood Darth Vader. Even more amusing, given the TIE’s navigational systems were damaged, Kylo Ren probably had to use a Force power his grandfather was proficient in – “Skywalking” – to get through the Unknown Regions. Again, he may well have had no idea.

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