Warning! Spoilers ahead for Darth Vader #20

In the latest issue of Marvel Comics’ Darth Vader, one of Rise of Skywalker’s more intriguing mysteries has been totally ruined. While the premise of the Emperor’s Sith assassin joining Vader after the events of Empire Strikes Back had promise, Ochi of Bestoon has not been the character fans might have been expecting. Not only is he fairly disconnected from the Sith, but he now has so many different masters in the galaxy it’s become truly ridiculous.

While Ochi was sent to kill Darth Vader in light of Palpatine’s displeasure with his apprentice following Empire Strikes Back, the Dark Lord defeated the assassin. He then pressed Ochi into his service going forward in issues of Darth Vader from Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco. Becoming Vader’s right-hand man, Ochi’s true nature and character were revealed to Star Wars fans for the first time, seeing as how he only had a brief non-speaking role in The Rise of Skywalker as the one sent by the Emperor to kill Rey’s parents.


As it turns out, Ochi has zero loyalty to either of the Sith Lords, the primary reason for his service being his desire to keep on living. Likewise, the release of War of the Bounty Hunters and the subsequent Crimson Reign comic events have seen Ochi working for other masters in secret such as Lady Qi’ra’s Crimson Dawn, even going so far as to assassinate Palpatine’s Imperial guards to send a message on the Dawn’s behalf. Now, Ochi is working for Padmé’s former handmaiden Sabé after the new Darth Vader #20, having no choice but to work for her after she threatens to expose his work with Crimson Dawn to Vader himself.

Rather than being some deadly Sith assassin working to fulfill the Emperor’s will from the shadows, Ochi of Bestoon works for everyone and is loyal to no one, doing what he must to survive and save his own skin. At this point across Marvel’s various Star Wars titles, there’s no telling who Ochi is actually working for. It’s likely that he doesn’t know himself until opportunities arise for him to betray and work for whoever has the most power or could kill him the easiest.

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While the assassin will eventually revert back to working for Palpatine as seen in Rise of Skywalker, some Star Wars fans may be wishing the curtain had never been pulled back when it comes to Ochi of Bestoon. Despite the mystery of the assassin being revealed thanks to Marvel’s Darth Vader, it certainly seems as though Ochi could have been much darker and more dynamic. Instead, Ochi of Bestoon is a simple killer working for whoever’s threatening to kill or expose him at any given time in the Star Wars galaxy.

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