Archie Andrews of Riverdale is universally known as one of the good guys in the crime-riddled town. The soft-spoken son of Fred Andrews has a seemingly strict moral code but has also been known to flout it egregiously whenever it suits him. But flagrant crime and intimidation aside, Archie Andrews sometimes disguises bad behavior under the shiny vinyl of being “nice”.

Whether deliberately or subconsciously, the handsome jock-turned-musician tends to use his good nature and pure-hearted persona to get away with toxic and selfish behavior towards his friends and family. Archie Andrews is not all bad, but here are the times he was a not-so-nice, nice guy and an actually nice, nice guy.

10 Nice Guy: Rejected Betty Then Got Jealous

Betty was head over heels for Archie and he rejected her straightaway, which was well within his right. But what’s toxic is that after he broke her heart, he didn’t let her move on in peace. He made out with Veronica while she was in the same room, immediately after the rejection.

When she moved on with Jughead, who was Archie’s best friend, he got jealous repeatedly and kissed Betty several times which obviously confused her. Not very nice.

9 Good Person: Retired Jason Blossom’s Jersey

Archie’s goodness shone when he was given the option to sport Jason Blossom’s jersey, who was the previous captain of the Bulldogs.

Coach Clayton offered Archie a captaincy as well as the jersey number, but Archie took the honorable route and picked a different jersey number, and respectfully retired his dead friend’s jersey. Later, he didn’t accept the captaincy either and gave it to Reggie who deserved it more than him.


8 Nice Guy: Crashed Josie & The Pussy Cats

While it was nice to see Archie pursue his love for music, it was quite cringe-worthy to see him trying to crash a band of all-black women who had clawed their way up to be heard.

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It was patronizing of him to think he could offer them better songs, and that they would want to sing about the life of a teenage white boy. He also ended up dating Josie and Valerie fleetingly which didn’t paint him in a better light.

7 Good Person: Saved Cheryl’s Life

Fans would unanimously agree that this was one of the most selfless things that Archie had done on the show. Cheryl was mostly catty and condescending to him (except when she bribed him to date her), Betty, Veronica, and Jughead, and none of them had any obligation to go to the lengths that Archie did to save his classmate.

Cheryl could not bear the absence of her twin and attempted to kill herself by jumping into a frozen river. Archie broke his hand by punching through the ice to save the remaining Blossom twin without a thought.

6 Nice Guy: Used His Classmates To Fight His Battles

Archie was very vocal about his morals and values, but he used the Bulldogs to fight for him. In the first couple of seasons, he had a problem with the Serpents despite his best friend being a part of them. He started a fight with them during the Riverdale Rumble and got all the Bulldogs involved in it.

When the Southside High students (including Jughead) staged a peaceful protest, Archie got the wrestling team with him to scatter the protest and escorted them off the premises which was despicable. Even when he wanted to go vigilante, he dragged his football mates into the picture and formed The Red Circle.

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5 Good Person: Took The Plea Deal

While it was inexplicably silly for most fans to watch, when Archie pled guilty to Cassidy’s murder which he didn’t commit, he was doing it out of respect and care for his parents.

He knew that if he pled innocent to the deadlocked jury, it would lead to an expensive retrial for his parents who were struggling already. His decision to take the fall to save his parents from financial issues came from a truly good place.

4 Nice Guy: Lied To Protect Ms. Grundy

In season 1, Archie was at Sweetwater River with Geraldine Grundy around the time Jason was killed, and they had both heard a gunshot. Instead of going to the police with the vital information he had about his friend’s murder, he chose to keep it a secret to protect his teacher-girlfriend.

However, there was nothing noble about this. Archie was saving his own skin as much as protecting a woman who was abusing her power over a minor.

3 Good Person: Turned The Gym Into A Community Center

Archie turned the El Royale Gym, which had been very kindly gifted to him by mobster Hiram Lodge, into a community care center. He helped keep vulnerable youth off the streets, away from drugs, and safe from criminals like Dodger.

He turned it into the Fred Andrews Community Centre and defended young children from gangs and a life of crime, as well as provided them with food and shelter.

2 Nice Guy: Tried To Impress Hiram

Every boyfriend wants to impress their girlfriend’s father, but Archie took it way too far with Hiram Lodge. He agreed to be his “capo”, carry out his nefarious criminal activities for him, and even made his own father feel inadequate when he accepted a car from Hiram.

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Archie even protected Hiram and his clearly illegal ways from a fake FBI agent who was sent by Hiram and felt privileged to have gained Hiram’s trust instead of being angry at being manipulated. And all of this was done in the name of loyalty to Veronica.

1 Good Person: Got Fred Back

At the beginning of season 4, Archie got the terrible news of his father’s death out of town, and that he won’t get his mortal remains till after the July Fourth weekend. Archie redeemed himself a fair bit when he showed his love and loyalty to his own father in death.

He traveled to get his father back himself, along with his best friends, and when the funeral home refused to release Fred to him, he showed admirable resilience and called his mother to sort things out. The self-awareness of calling for help when needed to make sure that he took his father back to Riverdale was truly noble and very touching.

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