Teen drama Riverdale‘s resident Mafia Princess Veronica Lodge is a woman of many words. Since her entry into Riverdale High, the Lodge scion has livened up the school and the screen with her sardonic humor, her on-point pop culture references, and her bold outbursts about feminism and her beliefs.

Veronica has always been a go-getter, and she makes sure she lets the world know exactly how what she thinks and how she’s going to make a way for herself in the world. Some of her quotes are quite memorable.

Veronica On Her “Speciality”

“You Wanted Fire? Sorry, Cheryl Bombshell, My Specialty Is Ice.”

The moment Veronica stepped foot into the school, Cheryl got on her wrong side. As the reigning Queen Bee of the school, she messed around with Veronica and Betty, but little did she know that Veronica was a former mean girl herself and could take her on.


In one of her shadiest burns ever, Veronica made it clear that the fiery red-loving Cheryl might think that only fire could hurt people, but ice burns too and Veronica wasn’t afraid of making Cheryl feel the chill.

Veronica On Her Philosophy With Rules

“I Don’t Follow Rules, I Make Them. And When Necessary, I Break Them.”

It was and remains a widely known fact that Ronnie wasn’t one for coloring within the lines. Whether it was her upbringing and Hiram’s bad parenting, or just who she was as a person, Veronica gave very little stock to rules.

She lived her life by her own set of rules, and when they didn’t suit her she wasn’t afraid of crossing people, or getting into trouble for breaking them. Whether it was opening La Bonne Nuit or auctioning off palladium under her father’s nose, V only did what benefitted her the most.

Veronica Calling Out Misogyny

“I Beg Your Misogynistic Pardon?”

Feminism and empowering other women formed the core of Veronica’s personality and she made it loud and clear to people around her who didn’t understand that. She couldn’t stand being mansplained to or having her girls slut-shamed on Riverdale, so she always made sure that she let men know when they were being sexist.

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When a Ghoulie gang member called her and Betty “bitches”, she gave him one chance to change his statement or face her wrath.

Veronica On Her Devotion To Archie

“We’re Endgame, Archie.”

There are enough debates about whether Archie belongs with Veronica or Betty, but Veronica was so in love with Archie that she declared it herself: that they were meant to be together. Veronica was an amazing partner, and she went the extra mile to stay loyal and help him out of dire situations.

Even as Archie attempted to break up with her when he was leaving town after his trial and juvie, she made her feelings towards him very clear, knowing that they’ll find each other again.

Veronica On Being Familiar With Archie Physically

“I’d Recognize Those Abs Anywhere. Archie?”

Just because Veronica was tough and resilient, doesn’t mean she couldn’t be fun and sexy at the same time. As a woman in touch with her sexuality, she made no bones about her desires, and Archie’s abs were one of her favorite things.

It was an amusing testament of her love for him that she could recognize his body in any place even when his face was hidden.

Veronica On Coming Out On Top

“Oh, Reginald, It Doesn’t Matter How You Win, So Long As You’re The Last Woman Standing.”

The Lodge offspring was a force to be reckoned with. In her dictionary, the word defeat didn’t exist, so she never backed down from a fight till the time she won, and she wasn’t afraid to go dark or underhanded to do that.

Being victorious was the aim, and she didn’t care if she had to battle it out with her father, her step-sister, her own mother, or even her friends sometimes, which she made clear to an awestruck Reggie more than once.

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Veronica On Calling Things As She Sees Them

“I’ve Never Taken The Trash Out, Daddy, But I Know When Something’s Rotten.”

Veronica’s relationship with her father evolved and even denigrated beyond help during the course of Riverdale’s five seasons. She used to be devoted to her dear dad for a long time and even worked beside him, but when she realized that he was ruining the town, even she had to cut the cord.

She was unafraid of expressing her true feelings to Hiram about him and his business, and even wanted to change her name back to Luna because of how much the Lodge name horrified her.

 Veronica On Her Life Goals

“We Have Plenty Of Time For That. Right Now, I Don’t Wanna Be A Mom. No Offense. I Wanna Be The She Wolf Of Wall Street.”

With the time jump, fans got to see their favorite teens all grown up and tackling things like marriages, businesses, and the prospect of having children, but Veronica had been far ahead of the game in school itself.

She was successfully running several businesses in Riverdale High, and her ambition had only increased exponentially when she was in her twenties. Taking over Wall Street was a lot more appealing to her than children.

Veronica On Picking Up On Things Others Don’t

“Did I Just Notice Riverdale High’s Very Own Holden Caulfield Put His Arm Around You?”

Along with being sharp and cunning, Veronica was also very intelligent and highly well-read. Her speech was littered with pop culture references, and some of them were quite funny to hear.

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One of her cleverest ones were said when she saw Jughead, out his arm around Betty, and she compared him to The Catcher In The Rye‘s Holden Caulfield, which was actually quite accurate.

Veronica On Owning Her Struggles

“You’re Diagnosing Me With Daddy Issues? How Very Intro-To-Psych.”

Her feud with her father was the stuff of legends, and along with her bestie Betty, Veronica also had a lot of unresolved issues with Hiram which led her to be overly competitive and sometimes destructive (both for herself and others).

When Mrs. Burble informed Veronica that she and her father were obsessed with one another, Veronica mocked her, mostly because she was self-aware enough to know that her relationship with him was not normal. She definitely made audiences chuckle with this one.

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