The Harry Potter series marked the lives of the saga’s fans, and it also represented a big step for the actors who had the opportunity to be cast in the series. Although a series of films of that magnitude can be considered a great achievement for any actor, on the other hand, sometimes it can make future opportunities stagnate and cause them to be typecast into similar characters, since the audience tends to relate actors to a specific role.

The first important role for Robert Pattinson was Cedric Diggory, and although many people think it was his best work so far, the actor has received very good reviews for many of his subsequent performances. While Pattinson has shown that he is a highly skilled actor, each viewer has their own preferences, so some will be inclined to choose Cedric, and others will prefer different roles that they think are better.

10 Cedric: The Harry Potter Saga Has A Large Following

There is a good chance that big Harry Potter fans will choose any movie in the saga over any other film as their favorite. With that in mind, this puts the rest of the characters played by Robert Pattinson at a lower level according to the perspective of such an audience.

The public is one of the key elements that are considered when a film is made, and for that reason the creators must listen to the past and present preferences. So, according to the audience factor, Cedric Diggory is at the top of the list of roles played by Robert Pattinson.

9 Better Role: Water For Elephants (2011)

In Water For Elephants, Robert Pattinson plays Jacob Jankowski, a young veterinary student who starts working in a circus. With this role, Pattinson provides a more intense and adventurous reflection of life, but from a more innocent perspective.

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The great love story that develops between Jacob and Marlena (Reese Witherspoon) is truncated by her despot husband (played by Christoph Waltz), who turns the romance into a dangerous situation. In the film, Pattinson must also deal with the cruelty of the circus world.


8 Cedric: A Good Interpretation

Cedric Diggory is one of the favorite minor characters of Harry Potter fans and Robert Pattinson was able to do him justice with his interpretation. The English actor became the popular student at Hogwarts that many readers wanted to see on screen.

For an actor, it can be difficult to have the support of the audience when his character is based on a character from a book, especially a beloved book series like Harry Potter, because the readers expect the sum of the writer’s description and something created in their imagination, but Pattinson fulfilled the expectations of the fans by giving an excellent performance.

7 Better Role: Remember Me (2010)

This romantic drama film represented one of the best possibilities for Robert Pattinson to demonstrate his acting range in the early years of his career. The love story is divided by painful events and tragedies that have determined the lives of the protagonists and their way of being.

The main character’s rebelliousness is understood by the audience when more is said about his past. It is a past marked by death, pain, and a non-present father who insists on setting rules but does not commit himself to his children.

6 Cedric: Good Review

Harry Potter movies have excellent ratings on sites like IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, so according to this ranking, Cedric would place above any other role.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has 7.7/10 on IMDb and 88% on Rotten Tomatoes, a very good score that is among the best of actor Robert Pattinson since he began his career as an actor. Furthermore, it is considered by fans to be one of the best films in the series.

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5 Better Role: The King (2019) IMDb 7.2

In recent years Robert Pattinson has worked in films that are critically acclaimed, which has allowed him to gain more recognition for his performances. One of the roles in which he stood out, in the last year, was The King, along with Timothée Chalamet and Joel Edgerton.

The story about King Henry V of England is inspired by the works of William Shakespeare. There, Pattinson plays The Dauphin, standing out for using his possibilities very successfully, facing an impulsive and eccentric character who changes the rhythm of the film at times.

4 Cedric: The Reduced Comparisons

For many years, Harry Potter and Twilight fans confronted each other, placing Pattinson in the middle. They made a limited comparison of the actor’s work (only between the two sagas) excluding much of his work.

If this comparison is made only between Twilight and Harry Potter, the latter (and therefore to Cedric) has to be the winner. The winner can be obtained with the balance between the box office and the score of sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, which are good reflections of the quality of the films as well as fan reception.

3 Better Role: Good Time (2017) IMDb 7.4

Good Time reflects a modern, murky, and corrupt vision of a New York subculture. The criminality present in the characters is explored through dirty and crude realism, where a series of events divert the story to a point of chaos.

Robert Pattinson plays Connie Nikas, a bank robber who tries to get his brother out of jail. In this role, Pattinson demonstrates the shades of grey necessary for the kind of complexity required. The main character shows the skills to commit crimes but eventually feels like a parasite in society, breaking everything he touches.

2 Cedric: Always Remembered

There are roles that mark the actors and allow their faces to be known worldwide, this made Cedric’s character, which helped propel Pattinson’s acting career.

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Cedric’s character had a tragic ending, which is partly what made the character, the name, and Robert Pattinson so memorable. The name Cedric Diggory will never be forgotten among those who have seen the movies and read the books. This makes Cedric stand out among many of the roles he has played during his career.

1 Better Role: The Lighthouse (2019)

The Lighthouse is undoubtedly one of Robert Pattinson’s most outstanding films to date. This film demonstrates the greatness that can be achieved by a production through breaking the conventional narratives while showing an aesthetic reminiscent of silent films.

The film has been considered by many critics as a genius production, and this is supported by the performances of Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson, who were also acclaimed for their excellent (and unhinged) performances, which perfectly reflect the essence and nuances of the film.

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