Robert Pattinson won the hearts of so many DC fans as the Caped Crusader in The Batman, which earned a whopping $134 million in its debut weekend. Box office records are not the only thing this film broke, as people became infatuated with social media debates about who played Batman best: Robert Pattinson or Christian Bale.

Although they are both incredibly talented actors, and each bring a very unique set of traits to their different Batman stories, there are valid arguments to be explored on both sides.

Why Robert Pattinson Is The Better Batman

A True Bat-Detective

Robert Pattinson’s iteration of Batman introduced a whole new vibe with this film and set a new tone for the future Batman-led movies. Pattinson embraced Batman’s inner detective nature, and fully represented the Bat Detective name. It is no secret that the 1940’s version of Batman influenced their choices, as well as the events of Batman: The Long Halloween. Not only did Pattinson’s performance completely transform the way fans see the live-action Batman, but it opens so many doors of opportunity for never before seen stories to unfold, which is bound to be explored in potential sequels.


More Batman Than Bruce Wayne

The approach that Reeves and Pattinson took in the portrayal of Bruce Wayne was interesting, yet absolutely necessary for the story. There was more Batman than Bruce Wayne, and this is a something fans were crazy for, as if this is the Batman they’ve all been waiting for. Pattinson made his main focus Batman, unlike past performances, and everything Bruce Wayne became was because of this masked persona. It seemed as though Bruce Wayne was not really there, and his addiction to dawning the cape and cowl became more and more an embodiment of who he truly is, which is a critical plot point.

An Emotionally Driven Performance

From the way he spoke, to the way he moved, to even the way he looked at others, the audience would always sense what Pattinson’s Batman was thinking and feeling. He was able to convey so much emotion with so little effort, and did so convincingly.

This is impressive considering the audience was not given the whole tragic back story, so for them to understand what Batman and Bruce Wayne were going through they had to pay attention to Pattinson’s interactions and reactions, which he made incredibly easy to do. The way he performed with his eyes gave audiences the chance to relate to him, and even feel his pain.

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Fear Of The Shadows

Fear plays a major role in Batman’s pursuit of justice in Gotham City, and this film did an excellent job of utilizing the theme of fear to its maximum potential. Fear is emphasized through the use of shadows, and is further developed by the citizens of Gotham who take one look in a dark alley way and run the other direction, in fear of what lurks. Pattinson’s Batman does not just simply hide in the shadows, he is the shadows, and this aspect plays to his strengths as an actor. He uses fear to keep the city in check, and does it so well that even the audience feels the effects of Batman’s presence in the room.

Better Fighting Style

Batman chooses his every movement with precision, and even sometimes knows when violence and offensive tactics were not necessary. Pattinson nailed this aspect of Batman so well, however there was a much different level of brutality in his fighting style, to the point where every punch was personal. This film did not fall short of action sequences whatsoever, giving audiences a real good look at the intensity of Pattinson’s fighting, and how with each fight he showed less and less mercy. There was even the scene where he injects himself with what looks like venom, which causes him to fully unleash the beast on a Riddler follower.

Why Christian Bale Is The Better Batman

A Resonant Bruce Wayne Personality

For the first time in the live-action Batman history, Christian Bale represented a Bruce Wayne that made fans care so more about him and his relationships than ever before. He embodied a Bruce Wayne that was charming, social, and capable of balancing his two very different lives. Bale’s iteration of the character was rather smart, using Bruce Wayne’s connections to the justice system and resources as a billionaire business man to support and fund his endeavors as Batman.  His Bruce Wayne resonated with fans, as he was the first to bring something new and exciting to Batman, making him one of the best, hands down.

Better Storytelling

The Dark Knight Trilogy takes us on Christain Bale’s journey as Bruce Wayne, touching on all the essential plot questions; who is Bruce Wayne/Batman, what does he do, why and when does Bruce become the Batman, etc. Bale did an outstanding job shaping his performance to fit the story’s parameters, employing his understanding of what Bruce Wayne and Batman go through. From beginning to end, Bale’s Batman grew, learning more about himself in each film, specifically through his interactions with new villains. Audiences were given the opportunity to follow Bruce’s story, and Bale did well in tying it all together.

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A Better Relationship With Gotham City

Of course as long as Batman is involved, fear will always play a part in his pursuit of justice. However, Bale brings out something else in the city, a concept that typically holds no association with Gotham; hope. Unless you were the criminal being sought after, this city loved Batman, and even rejoiced in his presence.

Nolan portrayed the city as less of a hopeless, crime-ridden, pit of despair and gave it life. As Bruce Wayne, he used his money and influence to provide for his city, even advocating the justice system, and as Batman he fought for justice on his own terms; the people of Gotham City saw his symbol in the sky as a sign of hope.

More Resourceful As Batman/Bruce Wayne

As stated before, Bruce Wayne devoted a lot of his time, money, and effort to support his mission as Batman. His contacts helped him acquire necessary information and sometimes even back up, and he would make sure that whatever he did, criminals answered to the justice system. However, money and resources got him something way cooler; a Batcave, full of all the best gadgets and technology, and he was always upgrading. He had a tool for just about everything, not to mention his militaristic utility belt, home to some of his most lethal weapons, and he certainly did not shy away from using them amid combat.

Completely Redefined The Batman Character

Overall, no one has ever done it quite like Christian Bale, not even Robert Pattinson. The future of Batman, Pattinson’s included, is a direct result of the foundations that Bale laid with his performance. Not only did he represent the first, most realistic Batman, but his story and his interactions with other people, especially villains, were spot on. With the proper use of Bruce Wayne, and allowing fans to see his transformation into the Batman, his films will go down as one of the greatest DC has ever offered. He set the bar high, and successfully made a statement with his performance, letting everyone know that these are the qualities of a true hero.

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