Robert Pattinson has gained something of a reputation for having strange and surreal interviews – an unusual ability that may pave the way for his portrayal of Batman to be spot on. When the Twilight star was initially announced as the lead in The Batman, many were skeptical as to how capable he would be at playing a role as iconic as the Dark Knight. While Pattinson has proved his acting prowess since his days reluctantly playing a shining romantic vampire via roles in The Lighthouse and Tenet, the questionable reputation of Stephanie Meyer’s series still loomed over him in terms of public perception.


These concerns were to a large degree put to rest by one crucial point about Robert Pattinson: he is, in many ways, a modern real-life Bruce Wayne. The culture surrounding celebrities means it’s often entirely too easy to know seemingly everything about certain individuals, but much of the details of Pattinson’s life remain mercifully mysterious. Similarly, despite clearly being an intelligent and insightful person – as interviews surrounding the likes of The Lighthouse showcase an understanding of the often complicated world of acting and film – Pattinson is most likely to be found in the news for more whimsical reasons, such as his reveal of a favorite recipe of his containing pasta, cornflakes, cheese, and sugar. This outlandish yet charming behavior is not solely restricted to culinary adventures, however, as it also notably crops up in one other area: interviews.

As Pattinson himself has confirmed, the actor has a remarkable habit of telling bald-faced lies in interviews. The most notable of these is an interview in 2011 with Matt Lauer, wherein the actor casually revealed that a clown car exploded killing those inside during his first trip to the circus. A week later, he would confess in another interview that this was a lie, and that he had made the entire elaborate story up out of a concern he wasn’t interesting enough for the interview. This isn’t the only instance by far, though, as various interviews suffered the same fate – including an especially potent tale wherein he claimed on Jimmy Kimmel that one of the directors for Good Time had encouraged him to have a decidedly inappropriate interaction with a dog, only to apologize for the statement and clarify it was a joke the next day. The fact that the actor is able to tell falsehoods so smoothly, and receives practically no backlash for these moments proves that he will be able to play the role of Batman perfectly – as these are the exact kind of blatant lies that Bruce Wayne is required to tell for his entire costumed career.

The inverse of this is also true, as the fact that the former Twilight star is able to not break character and reveal the truth during any of these ludicrous stories is a sure sign he is capable of pulling off the stone-faced stoicism of Gotham’s protector. While Pattinson has spoken previously about not enjoying the brooding nature of Edward Cullen, this was arguably a result of the nature of the character itself, as the ethics surrounding a hundred-year-old vampire romancing a seventeen-year-old are undeniably questionable. With The Batman looking set to be less about dubious romances and more about the early days of the DC crime-fighter, it seems this is the ideal place for Pattinson’s practice at brooding to be utilized.

Many regard Robert Pattinson as an eccentric celebrity – and to some degree, this is why some had doubts about him – but it is also entirely this perception that should ultimately work to his aid when playing the role of the Dark Knight. The Batman is in many ways a readjustment of how the Batman franchise has approached making films in the past, such as having the Riddler be an unsettling villain instead of Jim Carrey’s more comedic edition, and having the focus be more on the detective skills that Batman possesses than his fighting prowess. Hopefully, all of these decisions will pay off in the final product, allowing Robert Pattinson to continue his role for the duration of the promised trilogy, and potentially onwards.

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