Warning: contains spoilers for Robin #2!

Batman’s son Damian Wayne, aka Robin, is becoming DC’s version of Wolverine. While comparing the spoiled heir of Ra’s al Ghul’s criminal empire to the X-Men’s rough and tumble mutant may seem like a stretch at first, Robin’s participation in the Lazarus Tournament – a deadly competition between DC’s most skillful young killers – is revealing that Damian’s new path as a hero may be more similar to Logan’s than fans might have guessed.

Damian recently recently quit as his father’s sidekick and abandoned the Teen Titans to pursue a more hardline approach to injustice. Consumed with guilt over the death of Alfred Pennyworth, Robin is done with Batman’s half measures, and wishes to claim his place at the head of the League of Shadows – an organization he feels he can use to make the world a better place. But reconnecting with his assassin mother reveals the existence of the rival League of Lazarus, prompting Damian to join their tournament and risk his immortal soul to get to the truth.


On Lazarus Island, Damian discovers that he cannot die, and will heal from even fatal injuries. While that offers an obvious comparison to Wolverine’s healing factor, resurrection is already Damian’s birthright, given his connection to Ra’s al Ghul’s magical Lazarus Pits – one of which he finds on the island near the end of Robin #2, from Joshua Williamson and Gleb Melnikov. The tournament also sees Damian live up to Wolverine’s boast of being “the best there is at what he does,” as Damian goes on a killing spree against his opponents. Before Batman, Damian had a preference for bladed weapons, and now he’s returned to that style of fighting, slashing his opponents to ribbons in a style that would make Logan proud (especially as he charges into battle with the blades protruding from his knuckles like claws.)

But while these details suggest obvious parallels to Wolverine, there are subtler comparisons to be made. Damian doesn’t just fight with blades, but secretes them all over his costume in a non-biological approximation of Wolverine’s relationship with his claws. Neither work well with teams, both bristle at authority, and while Damian is a child of privilege, the fact is that Wolverine’s life started the same way, and he only left the lap of luxury once his powers manifested and he had to make his own way in the world. Joining a deadly tournament isn’t just Wolverine’s style, it’s his go-to move – an adventure he’s embarked on several times (sometimes, like Damian, to investigate the organizers), and one he often turns to when he’s short on cash.

Damian won’t be traipsing through the backwoods and calling his allies “bub” anytime soon, but in seeking out a new path, he’s chosen to become a vicious enforcer of justice who lives by his own rules and is completely comfortable cutting his enemies to pieces when they have it coming. Traveling the world, sometimes working with other crime-fighters but chafing under instruction, Damian is already doing a pretty great Wolverine impression even before his new healing abilities and preference for blades. And since Robin #2 ends with Ravager vowing to teach Damian how to relax, it may be that he ends up closer to Marvel’s hard-living Canadian than anyone thought possible.

Both Robin and Wolverine have been through profound trauma, leaving them in a place where violence isn’t just an option but their first instinct. Hopefully, Damian will mature and find his way back to his allies in Gotham’s Bat-Family, but for now – and likely for a long time to come – Robin has claimed a similar status in DC Comics as Wolverine has over at Marvel, embracing his darkness with the intent of turning it against those who have truly earned retribution.

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